Top clothing retailers going green

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Top clothing retailers going green

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Top clothing retailers have begun to focus on “going green” in relation to
selling their products. As the trend of going green has popularized,
retailers such as H&M have begun to offer incentives in exchange for an
environmentally friendly act by consumers.
One way of doing this is by offering an exchange of used clothing for discounts. By recycling clothing, this benefits the environment, but also gives consumers the further incentive of receiving a discount or gift card toward further purchases.
Boston Based UsTrendy will also be adopting this environmentally friendly
exchange this coming Fall (UsTrendy is top 500 online retailer second edition along with
five fastest growing ecommerce sites of 2014).
The idea behind this is to reduce waste because the majority of textiles that end up in landfills each year could be used again. Consumers can bring unwanted clothes to the retailer and for each bag of clothes donated will receive a discount for their next purchase. The clothes are sent to a processing plant where they are reused or recycled to make new materials.


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