Time-Lapse Images Help Promote Construction Projects

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Time-Lapse Images Help Promote Construction Projects

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Winston-Salem-based TrueLook, the only company that provides construction cameras combining live jobsite viewing, project time-lapsing, and HD security, has vast experience in providing time-lapse imagery for construction projects, and it has seen firsthand how that imagery positively promotes projects.
“Development and construction companies are always looking for unique ways to promote their project,” said Ken Pittman, TrueLook marketing director. “Time-lapsing is a popular tool for documenting a build and recording how a project progressed.”
Time-lapse imagery and video goes a long way in telling the story of a project, and TrueLook has outlined a few reasons why construction companies and developers should include time-lapse in their planning:
·                     Progress reporting: By setting up time-lapse cameras, project managers and developers have the ability to see updates on projects. This gives a visual insight into the progress made on the jobsite since the beginning of the project.
·                     Documentation: Time-lapse imagery provides visual documentation over the course of a project. Using this technology can also help site supervisors go back and see the impact of weather events on their jobsite and how quickly their teams reacted and recovered.
·                     Marketing: Any developer wanting to land more business or sell spaces in the current project can use the dramatic imagery provided via time-lapse to make a case. Marketing directors can also use the short videos showing the life of a project to tell the story of how the project came to fruition.
“There’s no denying it, time-lapse photography and video can be a project developer’s best friend,” said Pittman. “Time-lapse imagery can tell a project’s story better than anything. Our TrueLook technology allows customers to embed live images on their website and even share them to Facebook with the click of a button. The short videos and images produced by using time-lapse are effective ways to show the life of a project. Time-lapse really tells the tale.”
TrueLook has sample time-lapse videos to view on their website, Time-Lapse. For more information about TrueLook, visit www.TrueLook.com.
About TrueLook
TrueLook is the only construction camera company to combine live jobsite viewing, project time-lapsing, and HD security recording in one turnkey system. They provide the best project management tools, at a lower price, with the most user-friendly interface. TrueLook camera systems are time-proven. They’ve pioneered new construction camera technologies for over 20 years. Hundreds of jobsites, large and small, use TrueLook every day. Their camera systems take over 50,000 time-lapse photos every day across the U.S. and Canada, and more than two billion images have been delivered to customers. To find out more, visit www.TrueLook.com or call 866-811-2321. 


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