This commercial building operator saved £1 million in energy costs.

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This commercial building operator saved £1 million in energy costs.

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If you feel like you’re spending too much on energy, then you probably are.

We get it. You’re running a business, you’ve looked at your balance sheet and you’ve realised thousands of dollars are going to energy bills. What do you do?

Electricity alone in the UK generally costs small businesses an estimated £2,803.37 per year. For large businesses, it can cost an estimated £10,164.12 per year.

You’re probably feeling exactly that same thing. And that’s why you’re looking to cut these costs as far as possible. The million dollar question is: where do you start?

Well, this article will reveal how a commercial building operator saved £1 million in energy costs just by taking a few practical steps to get to know his own building.

A building, like any other manmade structure, always has room for improvement. And our savvy building operator simply took specific steps to learn about his building’s energy consumption.

A story of wasted energy

This commercial operator, just like you, was spending a tremendous amount of money on energy.

And it was causing his business to suffer.

Unfortunately, he had failed to realise that he was actually wasting a tonne of energy he didn’t even need to use.

He was using electricity for tasks that were simply not important.

He kept his office lights on when his staff left. His air filters were dirty, meaning air couldn’t move through his air vents effectively. He even kept on all his appliances when they weren’t in use.

Our commercial operator realized something:

Wasted energy equals wasted money.

He understood the importance of reducing carbon emissions in his building – but he needed to find out exactly how he was wasting his energy.

One day, our commercial operator discovered CoolPlanet

CoolPlanet uses state-of-the-art software to map out your building’s energy and carbon emissions data.

It’s a program which finds out exactly where your energy consumption lies.

How does CoolPlanet work?

CoolPlanet works by analysing your building’s energy and gas consumption and discovering what specific processes you can modify to reduce your carbon emissions.

In the case of our smart building operator, CoolPlanet analysed his total energy usage and identified how much of this energy was consumed outside of their operational times. They conducted a night audit to locate redundant processes that burned up excess energy.

Next, they did the same with their gas consumption, basically mapping out their heating degrees and creating modelled outputs.

This allowed them to determine precisely where they could implement new strategies and modify existing heating systems.

This systematic and in-depth process allowed our building operator to make the proper modifications to their building operations – saving them a ton of money and reducing their carbon footprint significantly.

Want to follow in the same steps?

The story of this commercial operator is not a unique one. Thousands of UK businesses are bleeding just like they were – and energy was a primary culprit.

Thankfully, our astute building operator’s experience serves as proof that not all hope is lost.

Businesses are increasingly looking to boost their savings and cut down their CO2 emissions.

If you’ve read down this far, then you’re probably one of them.

Get in touch with the team at CoolPlanet. Give them a call today so they can help you find ways to save money and minimise your carbon footprint.

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