Things to Know To Plan & Design A New House

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Things to Know To Plan & Design A New House

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A long term dream for some, planning and designing your own house can be a very rewarding experience. However, it is certainly not an easy task! There are many facets and factors when it comes to planning and designing a whole home, whether you are an experienced builder or designer or someone totally new to the idea. We think you should definitely give it a go if you want to, so have noted here some of the key things you need to know to help you plan and design your new home.

External Elements

First, let’s discuss the external factors. By this, we mean anything facing outwards from home, anything you see from the outside. If you want your home to have a striking first impression, then start here.

Doors And Windows

With doors and windows, security and insulation factors are paramount. Once you have a basic design and a finish, you need to fill any gaps with doors and windows. There is a lot to unpack here, as it is not as simple as just purchasing the first doors or windows that you come across. You could choose frames made of wood, plastic, or metal and fill them with single, double, or triple glazed glass. You want secure, safe, even locking windows as well as doors to make sure you are safe in your home. Quality fittings also help to insulate your house, so make sure they are energy efficient when purchasing.


The first thing you want to consider is how you want your house to appear from the outside. There are a huge amount of home variations these days – no longer do you have to simply use bricks and mortar to build a home! Lots of modern homes are glass-fronted, wooden-framed, or even made of large portions of steel. Consider also eco-friendly factors when it comes to materials and finish of your home.


Another fun external factor of designing a home is the shape. For a long time, most houses were built in a very uniform way, but you don’t need to follow this rule nowadays. Consider first what area of land you are using to build your home as this will define how many footprints your house can have whilst leaving room for other parts such as a driveway, gardens, fences, etc. You could design a house around a square with a central atrium garden or make it have multiple floors and levels. Think about how many people you will be living with and their needs as well. A house can be extremely fun whilst being practical as well. Work with an accredited architect when finalizing designs for your home’s shape.

Internal Aspects of Home Design

Now, onto internal factors in home design. There is plenty to consider here, but we’ve picked three key points that have been described by most home design veterans and experts.

Design Style

You probably want your home to have a theme or style running throughout it. Maybe you want a very classic home feel, or, on the flip side, a more modern looking home. Coming up with your theme or design style before starting the plans will help you ensure that the whole home is tied together nicely. This includes fixtures and fittings, sockets, lighting, and much more! Get your theme in place, and everything else can be built around it.


Once you have the shell or exterior of your home design, you will want to think about the interior layout. Obviously, there are a few essentials: bathrooms, kitchen, and bedrooms. But, it is up to you to decide how many rooms, how big they will be, and in what order you want them placed. Do you want en suite bathrooms or walk-in storage, maybe? Make a list of your in-home desires and then start working them into your plans.


One thing to consider when it comes to layout is being realistic with space. Many people tell stories of over-shooting ideas; they plan for five bedrooms and four bathrooms and quickly realise that all of these rooms would end up far too small in practice. Consider whether more rooms or larger rooms are more important to you. You may want a very large kitchen at the expense of a smaller dining room, for example.
These are the six key points we have gathered regarding things you should know before designing a home, and we hope you have found them useful. Whether you are just starting your design journey or have been thinking about this for many years, we hope that we have helped! We wish you good luck with your home design project.


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