Tech-Base Solutions Manage Multiple Properties

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Tech-Base Solutions Manage Multiple Properties

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Even though real estate was believed to be the least likely industry to be affected by technology due to its conventional methods, property management has proven to be the best gateway for software to wiggle its way into the real estate world. The switch to digital tools allowed companies to not only manage properties efficiently but also scale up their businesses exponentially. To help you wrap your head around the tech-based solutions that help you manage multiple properties better, we’ll be listing a few of the best ones below.


One of the strongest allies that any property management company can have is automating software. Redundant tasks can take precious hours of you and your employees’ time. Having these tasks automated and streamlined in an efficient manner will relieve you of all the unnecessary hours of doing paperwork, filing a ticket, managing documents, and many other tasks. Automation doesn’t exactly mean replacing humans, but rather helps them make their time more focused on the tasks that need it the most.
You can customize the automation process to ensure a smoother operation and educate your employees on how to follow the best practices of working with an automated system. Among the many features of this software is that it allows you to automate the rent collection process, in addition to offering a built-in CRM. For example, a client can instantly communicate with your business regarding a maintenance issue by using a mobile app to issue a ticket to the maintenance team directly, taking any bureaucracy out of the equation and fast-tracking the process.

Customer Management Solutions

Property management involves a lot of different fronts of service. Customer management is an integral part of any system and finding software that can help you oversee customer information and interactions can be very profitable for your business. When there are multiple properties being managed, customer’s information becomes more important than ever, so the proper categorization of info is best done by software. The productivity increase that is delivered by CRM solutions is pretty useful for any property management business.

Cloud Integration

If you’ve been following the development of storage solutions on the internet in the last few years, you’re probably familiar with the cloud. The integration of cloud storage systems in property management helped a great deal in facilitating communication and storage. Every file, text message, conversation, visual presentation, audio files, payment invoice, manuals, and many others can be stored on a server that can be accessed from anywhere in the world with the internet. This logistic shortcut can save you a lot of effort and hours that would’ve unnecessary gone into the storage of such files and media. The best thing about cloud storage solutions is that they are very cheap to lease and use.

Paperless Operation

When it comes to properties, no one ever thought that they would not need to have filing cabinets everywhere around the office. A lot of real estate management companies completely got rid of filing cabinets and replaced them with computers. You’re probably all too familiar with having to dig inside dozens of documents and files to find the answer to a question your client asked on a whim. Instead of searching for lease files, contracts, and other documents in a sea of paperwork, you can simply display the document you want in a few seconds with property management software.


Any owner of a property management service will want to expand their empire and have more properties under their management. The first step to do that is by analyzing the market and the current success parameters. Without software, it’s almost impossible to tap into critical insights that can help you make the right decision. The optimization of your services will always draw from those insights and customer information, so make sure that you always maintain the highest standards by identifying your clients’ needs first. You’ll discover different trends in the markets through the utilization of both data and mathematics, helping you forecast the state of the market; how you leverage this information is up to you.

Logging Maintenance

Every property has a maintenance record that helps the property management company gain insight on the required repairs and most potential issues that a client can meet in the future. Using conventional methods to record maintenance logs is highly inefficient compared to creating a system that is directly connected to the maintenance team. You’ll get instant updates on maintenance logs, in addition to being able to delegate maintenance projects to your team as soon as they come up.
You’ll be hard-pressed to find an industry that wasn’t transformed by technology in the last decade or two. From media to real estate, technology has facilitated many services and business-related tasks in pretty much all industries. Tech-based solutions are the future, so start employing them today to efficiently manage multiple properties without a hassle.


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