Swinerton Announces Sloane Brown as Operations Manager for Northeast Market

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Swinerton Announces Sloane Brown as Operations Manager for Northeast Market

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Swinerton announces Sloane Brown as Operations Manager for the Northeast market. This announcement was made by Andrew Pearl, Swinerton VP, NY Division Manager. Ms. Brown will be based in the New York City office, which opened in June of 2021. She shares a “New York state of mind,” having begun her career in New York City and now returning after having worked in her home state of California for a number of years.  The same is true of Andrew Pearl, having returned to his roots in New York after heading up Swinerton offices on the West Coast.

“Sloane brings to Swinerton New York a long career in successful and repeat projects with corporate clients both in New York and California,” says Andrew Pearl, Swinerton VP, NY Division Manager. “Her Master of Architecture degree with honors from Parsons School of Design is a bonus for a construction services business collaborating with architectural and design firms.”

Prior to joining the Swinerton New York office as Operations Manager, Sloane was a Senior Project Manager for Swinerton in San Francisco and took advantage of Swinerton’s talent mobility opportunities for career growth by re-locating to New York. She brings to the New York City team her expertise in managing talent and employee resources, estimating and preconstruction, field operations, business planning and development, and corporate responsibility. In her new role, her key performance objectives are to ensure that staff development is progressing, and overall morale is optimistic, oversee that all operations are executed safely with quality work and within budgets; develop self-perform capabilities and ensure proper execution of all corporate initiatives, requirements, and expectations.

For more information regarding Swinerton and its projects, visit www.swinerton.com.

About Swinerton
Swinerton provides commercial construction and construction management services throughout the United States. Founded in 1888, Swinerton is 100% employee-owned and is the preferred builder and trusted partner in every market it serves—proudly leading with integrity, passion, and excellence. Swinerton is headquartered in Concord, CA, with regional offices in Spokane and Seattle, WA; Portland, OR.; Sacramento, San Francisco, Oakland, Santa Clara, Los Angeles, Santa Ana, and San Diego, CA; Honolulu, HI; Denver, CO; Dallas and Austin, TX; Atlanta, GA.; Charlotte and Raleigh, NC, and New York City, NY. For more information, please visit swinerton.com.

*Featured Image Courtesy: Swinerton



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