Suncor Stainless® Stainless Steel Forged Shackles

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Suncor Stainless® Stainless Steel Forged Shackles

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The new line of Forged Shackles is made from grade 316 stainless steel for maximum corrosion resistance and durability, making it ideal for even the harshest marine and industrial environments. Forged Shackles are suitable for lifting, if the specified working load limits (WLLs) are strictly adhered to. The WLLs for the Forged Shackle Series range from 500 lbs. to 5,500 lbs. (227 kg – 2,495 kg). With matching shackle body and pin diameters for a uniform design, the new shackles give you the option to choose from two shackle body styles: Forged Bow Shackle Body or “D” Shape Shackle Body, and two pin types; Forged precision threaded Screw Pin or a Bolt with Nut and Cotter Pin. Shackles range in size from 3/16″ to 3/4″and are great for general use in applications where stainless steel is desired.
The new forged shackle series is a key component used in the new PullPro™ pulley block program. For more information on Suncor Stainless® PullPro™ Series, visit
Suncor Stainless® Inc., is a leading manufacturer of stainless-steel hardware in the industrial, marine, government, architectural, OEM and commercial industries. Suncor’s modern facilities manufacture an ever-expanding product line that has become one of the world’s most complete and highest quality sources for stainless steel chain, hardware and custom parts. As an ISO 9001 certified company, you can trust that all Suncor® products and services will consistently meet customer and regulatory requirements.


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