Sto Corp. launches new corporate website

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Sto Corp. launches new corporate website

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Sto Corp. launches new corporate website with easy navigation for multiple audiences
Sto Corp., the innovative leader and producer of integrated exterior wall systems for building construction, maintenance and restoration, launched their new corporate website,, which provides multiple audiences with easy navigation and streamlined access to information about the company, its products and the services it provides.
“As we designed this website, it was important that we consider the needs of several different customer groups—design professionals, contractors and building owners,” said Valerie Mayer, manager, branding and communications, at Sto. “That meant creating and organizing content in a way that meets their unique requirements and equipping them with the right tools to find what they need easily—in many cases requiring no more than two clicks.”
According to Mayer, the mobile-friendly site provides important product information and guide tools to help customers identify the appropriate product for specific applications. “But the site goes beyond technical material and application information to introduce Sto Corp. to our various audiences—who we are, our history, our brand promise and what we do.”
Visitors to the website will appreciate the clean look and visual cues that enhance navigation. But it is the site’s tools that set it apart. In addition to a robust product selector, the site features a unique eSubmittal Tool, which allows design professionals and specifiers to select various system and product support documents online and then assemble them into a convenient PDF format that the user can download. By registering with the tool, users can also save their submittal projects in order to edit and reprint them at a later date.
“We’re really excited about the Sto eSubmittal Tool,” said Zack Donnelly, web developer/BIM/CAD specialist at Sto. “We created it to save our customers a considerable amount of time as they assemble and later re-assemble documents. Everything they put together resides in one place and can be accessed repeatedly at their convenience. In addition, the tool provides an attractive, customized cover sheet for submittals, complete with a customer’s name, along with any other project details a specific submittal requires.”
The website also includes a documentation center that organizes an extensive collection of Sto documents in an easy-to-find and searchable way. In addition, the website offers a variety of other resources, such as a distributor locator, product finder, project gallery, blog, video gallery and a host of support services, including a Technical Help Desk and Sto Studio, which develops color and material concepts for architectural exteriors. The new site’s flexibility allows for growth and ensures that documents and other content are regularly updated, based on user feedback, to ensure customers receive the most timely and relevant information.
To view the new site and learn about Sto, please visit

About Sto Corp:

Sto Corp., based in Atlanta, Georgia, is an innovative leader and producer of a broad range of versatile cladding, air and moisture barriers and coating systems for building construction, maintenance and restoration. Sto Corp. is ISO 14001as well as ISO 9001 (environmental and quality management) certified and operates production plants strategically located to serve more than 200 distributor shipping locations across North and South America. At research and development laboratories in the U.S. and Europe, Sto continues to revolutionize the industry with the highest quality products and application technology..

For more information, visit or call toll free (800) 221-2397. Follow Sto Corp. on Twitter @stocorp and on Facebook at as well as the Sto blog “Building with conscience” at


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