Spending time with…Chris Varney, BVNA

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Spending time with…Chris Varney, BVNA

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Chris Varney

The executive VP on the worst experience he has ever had on a jobsite, the art of getting used to (and mastering) Zoom, and why a good filet cures all.
What is the most cherished item in your home office?
My Aeron chair and my Varidesk standing desk.
What is the background noise that plays as the soundtrack in your office?
I love heavy metal music, but when I work, I play “Music to Work to — chill & ambient instrumental” on Spotify.
How are you staying connected with your team? Customers?
Lots of phone calls and video conferencing. I think we have all become experts on Zoom, Teams, WebEx, etc. Everyone is a little zoomed out, but I do like the personal interaction when we can’t see people in person.
What is the craziest thing that ever happened to you on a job site?
I had a project from hell in Las Vegas. We were building a restaurant and there was a plane crash next to our site (the pilot was alright). It also snowed when I was completing the punch list. The inspectors in Vegas did not make things any easier either.

Favorite binge watching series right now?

“Pandemic.” It was very fascinating and eerie to see that some of their predictions from a few years ago are mirroring COVID-19.
Favorite comfort food.
Nothing beats a good filet on the grill.
Biggest influence on your life?
My parents and my wife, Michelle.
Best advice you ever received?
Get to know people on a personal level.
Favorite quote?
“Every person you meet knows something that you do not know.”
What trait do you most admire?
Honesty, integrity, and a good sense of humor.
What is the first thing you are going to do when you are able to get back to some sense of normalcy?
I look forward to traveling again and seeing clients. I miss travel and going to new places, but I don’t miss being gone. Being home has been really nice.


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