Spending time with… CDO Group’s Sophia Amunategui

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Spending time with… CDO Group’s Sophia Amunategui

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Sophia Amunategui, President, CDO Group

The President of CDO Group on her morning ritual, why nothing surprises her anymore and why a family RV trip may be the best downtime around.
What is the most cherished item in your office?
Paintings that my father had purchased and had on the walls of our house growing up that now adorn my office walls. Also, my computer as it literally holds all my files, work product, family pictures, etc.
What is your favorite time to get things done?
Either first thing in the morning when energy is high or late at night when the family goes down and I’m uninterrupted.
What is the soundtrack that plays in the background of your office?
If I had my choice, it would fluctuate between Footloose, Purple Rain, Pulp Fiction and Top Gun.
Name the band you cannot take off your playlist.
What does a typical workday look like?

It begins with a cup of coffee, a workout and focused plan of action. Turns into “the amazing race.” Ends with family and downtime.
What is the craziest thing that has ever happened to you on a job site?
Nothing, as nothing surprises me or is defined as “crazy” anymore. I’ve seen it all.
What are you binge watching right now?
Who has time to binge watch? Plus, I’d have to wrestle my husband and children for the remote.

What is the coolest thing you have done since the pandemic hit?

An RV trip with the family down the East Coast and Get Padi Certified for Diving.
What has this experience taught you?
The pandemic has taught me to keep living, stay positive and make the best of everything.
If you knew what was going to happen, what would you have done differently?
Nothing. No regrets.

Favorite comfort food.

Straight up, good mashed potatoes, no gravy or oysters, with all the fixings
Best advice you ever received?
Your life is your responsibility and your choices are yours to make.
Biggest influence in your life?
My father and husband who both, at different times in my life, advocated and gave me the courage to “go with” and always “trust” my gut. My children, who always push me to stay healthy, present and relevant.
What trait do you most admire?
It’s a tie between integrity and resilience.
What advice would you give your younger self?
“Do one thing every day that scares you.” — Eleanor Roosevelt

What is the first thing you are going to do when you are able to get back to some sense of normalcy?

Without a doubt go to a concert or some sort of sporting event in a massive stadium. Also, travel, travel, and travel some more.


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Austin award-winning architecture and interiors firm, Mark Odom Studio, renovated a two-story, 10,000 square foot office building with innovative solutions to adaptively reuse a 54 year-old commercial building, offering more accessibility without taking away the leasable square footage. The original structure has been completely reimagined

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