Our CCR Editorial Advisory Board member and new Facilities Manager at ISN Corp. on the band he can take off his playlist (hint: he was in it years ago), putting at fires and that time he caught a GC working “overtime” on the jobsite.
What is the most cherished item in your office?
The pictures of my children.
What is your favorite time to get things done?
For me, it’s hours of 9 a.m.-noon. While getting things done, I love to listen to any and everything. I have a very broad horizon when it comes to my music.
The band you cannot take off your playlist.
That would be KMD. I was actually in that band almost a lifetime ago.
What does a typical work day look like?
Mostly putting out fires, so to speak, depending on where the day takes me. For my new job, there will be things like looking at the security clearance issues and base issues with the vendors. I will also have to learn how to work in the public sector versus the private sector.

What is the craziest thing that has ever happened to you on a job site?
It would have to be to be catching a GC with a prostitute on the site when he thought everyone was gone for the evening. I was taken back of course, but then I had to become forceful and have them both thrown out or brought up on charges.
What are you binge watching right now?
I am currently watching “Lovecraft Country” on HBO. It’s so cool because it touches on so many different topics.
The coolest thing you have done since the pandemic hit?
Working out, I guess. LOL!!
What has this experience taught you?
To become even closer to family. Even if I saw this thing coming I still wouldn’t have been prepared. Just look at what everyone else in going through around the country.
Favorite comfort food.
It would have to be pasta.
Best advice you ever received?
A long time ago I learned that you have to strive to be the best in whatever you set your mind to do.
Biggest influence in your life?
My parents, who are no longer with us.
The trait you most admire?
Empathy for others. Whenever I witness that from people it gives me hope for the world.
What advice would you give your younger self?
I think I would tell myself to focus more in school and try not to get involved in everything. LOL!!
First thing you’re going to do when we get back to some sense of normalcy?
Spend a long weekend in Manhattan with the family. I’d love to do some of the things that we did often before the pandemic struck us. We are looking forward to doing things like
going out to dinner and maybe catching a movie. We love Broadway, so taking in a show would be cool. It’s just about spending time with them outside of the home.