Smart House – New Future

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Smart House – New Future

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Tell me where you live, and I’ll tell you who you are. This is how you can paraphrase an ancient saying. After all, a house is a way to express yourself. Do you want your house to be not only beautiful and cozy but also different in conception with its own intelligence?  
So that it would be possible to operate any device in the house, lighting, to receive messages, communicate with the arrived guests without getting up from a sofa. In a “smart” house, all this is within your power.  

What Is a Smart House? 

Most of us imagine such a fantastic pile of wires, computers, sliding doors, and mysterious mechanical voices. But in fact, you can make your home “smart” without making any drastic changes. After all, the Smart House is the most ordinary house or apartment, but it is equipped with a “smart” system that fulfills any whim and any desire of its owner and solves many household problems. Living in such a house is not only pleasant but also comfortable, safe, and even profitable. 
The Smart Home system combines all the resources of housing into one: all the functions and areas of the housework in harmony and as efficiently as possible. It wisely manages the entire household, saving you effort, time, and money, taking care of you, your comfort, and your safety. 

What Does a “Smart” House Offer You? 

What does the owner of a “smart” house get? In fact – fantastic opportunities. In an ordinary house, to surround yourself and your family with comfort, peace, security, you need to put in a lot of effort and time. It is necessary to adjust the operation of each device, constantly monitor everything. In a “smart” house, all this falls on the shoulders of a single automation system. And you get easy-to-use management tools for this system. 

  • Single panel: you can control all the resources of the house from a single touch panel, which has a user-friendly interface, understandable even to a child. 
  • All equipment and resources of such housework independently according to the set settings, control all working process, if necessary correct it and eliminate the arising problems. 
  • Life at home can be organized according to scenarios: everything will work according to the script you have written, at a certain time on and off when you want. 
  • You can control the system remotely from a mobile phone or via the Internet! 
  • At your service, a reliable and safe system, thanks to the coordinated and coordinated work of all elements and resources of the house. 

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Lighting will understand all the wishes of the owner: according to the scenario set by the owner. It will turn on and off light bulbs and lamps, at certain times the evening lights are turned on, at night the house turns off the lights in all rooms.  
One clicks on the panel, and you can run any light script. For example, “Romantic dinner”: soft intimate lighting will light up in the room, the fireplace will light up, the curtains will lower, pleasant music will be played. 

Electrical Appliances 

The house handles your appliances yourself. TV, iron, washing machine, and dishwasher, oven, refrigerator, electric heater – all appliances in the house can be operated at the touch of a button on the control panel. 

Climate Control 

Now you don’t care what the weather is like outside the window because you determine the weather in the house yourself! With the help of the climate control system, you could relax even in the cool winter, as in the Maldives, without getting up from your sofa, and in the hot summer – to add ice coolness to your home.  
The system itself maintains a comfortable temperature in the rooms all year round. In addition, returning home after work, you can send from your mobile phone home task to heat the room, fill the bathroom with warm water, and everything will be done right before your arrival. 


Being in any room, you can listen to your favorite songs, watch videos, and no matter where the signal source is. And you can control all this with a convenient touch panel. And it is not necessary to clutter the house with all sorts of wiring, speakers, players; all the equipment is compactly assembled only in one place in the house. 


Now you will only sleep soundly because in your home – the most reliable security system, the sensors of which protect you. Absolutely all premises of the house, and also adjacent territories are under the strictest control of security system “Smart House.” That’s why you are always aware of what is happening in your home. 

Voice Control 

Do you want to make your life at home even easier? With a voice control system, you don’t have to go around all the switches and appliances in the house to turn them off when you go to work. It will be enough to command the system, and it will do everything for you and still warn you about the task. 

The Future Is Near 

Are you convinced now that such smart houses are the future in the housing field? We are for sure! Now such a house is a luxury; however, in a few years, it will become more and more affordable for people. So, start keeping track of the Smart house market now in order not to lose the best options.  


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