Should I Cut My Tree Down?

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Should I Cut My Tree Down?

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How to determine if a tree needs to be removed
There is no question that when a tree is beyond saving, it should be removed as soon as possible for safety reasons. A dead tree can no longer hold its limbs and branches intact, causing them to fall onto your property. The worst scenario is the entire tree falling and resulting in injury and property damage.
A dying or an unhealthy tree can also pose a hazard but can still be treated to help it recover. Before deciding to have a tree removed, consider the following factors to make sure you are making the right decision.
Is the tree near living spaces? 
The first thought should always be human and property safety. Does the tree endanger people, sidewalks, or buildings? Is it leaning towards a usually crowded area in your home or backyard? These are just some of the questions you want to contemplate before you resort to removing the tree. If the tree exposes you and your neighborhood to real danger, don’t hesitate to cut it down.
How much will it cost to restore or treat the tree vs. replacing it?
It can be fairly challenging to assess this at first. It will usually depend on what type of replacement you are looking to have. Generally, a small seedling might cost you $10, while you need to prepare at least $1000 for a large sapling. You should also look into the type of treatment the tree needs to recover. Some diseases can be easily cured with ample nutrients and water, while others may take years to see their full effect. It is wise to ask for help when you are not certain whether treating a tree is better than replacing it. If you are deciding to replace the tree, opt for a more hardy species to ensure it lasts for a long time.
Be rational about the tree’s chance of recovery
There is always a limit to what a tree can bear in terms of recovering from a disease. Canopy damage of up to 50 percent usually ends up in the death of the tree. If the tree is diseased, it can also result in the tree’s irreversible decline, mainly if it has lost 15 percent of its canopy. The key to an effective assessment is knowing the root of the problem. Perhaps the tree lacks a water supply or sheds its leaves early due to stress. Make an educated decision before you decide on anything drastic to save your tree and your wallet.
Don’t listen to bad advice
Different species of trees require different ways of treating. Just because a fertilizer solved the problem for one doesn’t mean it will do the same with the others. Unless the one offering the advice is a certified arborist, do not heed his advice right away. Professionals even require soil and leaf samples to make an informed assessment of the problem. Just like how you go to a doctor when you feel under the weather, your trees need an arborist when it is sick.
Think beyond the present situation
There is a high probability that half of the trees in your yard will live for a hundred years and outlive your next generation. If a tree is beyond help, you can replace it with a healthy and well-maintained one that will offer the same benefits. Instead of stressing over the death of a tree, consider what you will gain when a new tree begins to sprout in your garden.
Call Jim with Budget Tree Service Bentonville at 479-888-8041 for more information about tree removal services.


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