ServiceTrade Unveils Modular Dashboard for Fire & Mechanical Contractors

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ServiceTrade Unveils Modular Dashboard for Fire & Mechanical Contractors

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ServiceTrade, Inc., the software platform for commercial mechanical and fire contractors, announces the release of ServiceTrade Fall ‘24, the latest innovations to its industry-leading field service management software. The newest release features capabilities that can maximize tech productivity and improve profit for every job, every customer, every time. Enhanced AI-driven features provide more useful information that helps companies increase technician and customer satisfaction.

The Fall ‘24 release features a new customizable dashboard that can be personalized to provide relevant data for each operational role. Owners, dispatchers, operations executives, and service managers can create personalized “command centers” that deliver the necessary real-time information they need. Drag and drop widgets make it easy for stakeholders to create a view of the most appropriate information for their job function. In addition, enhanced tasking, scheduling functionality, and dispatch features guide schedules that optimize time and tech profitability by prioritizing the most important customers. The Fall ‘24 release is designed to help companies optimize time on-site, meet customer expectations, and win and keep the most valuable customers.

Brian Smithwick, ServiceTrade CTO and co-founder, commented: “For over a decade, we’ve been singularly focused on solutions that help contractors prioritize the most profitable customers, build maximum pipeline, and improve productivity and profits. The Fall ‘24 release brings critical innovations to market and will allow commercial contractors to scale their businesses and deliver exceptional service, build customer loyalty, and drive revenue. With the Fall ‘24 release, we continue to raise the bar with software solutions to support the unique challenges commercial service contractors face.”

Customized, Role-Based Views Through Drag-and-Drop Widgets
ServiceTrade has completely transformed its dashboard, enabling a customizable, real-time view of operational data that shows relevant information for specific jobs and business functions. Unlike traditional static dashboards, ServiceTrade’s dashboard is fully customizable, allowing users to select from an extensive library of widgets that integrate real-time operational data across work orders, customer communications, financial performance, and more. By providing users with personalized views that contain insights about the details that matter most to their job function, the dashboard helps users easily find the information they need, increasing productivity and optimizing business performance.

Streamlined, Powerful Scheduling and Dispatching
The latest version of the ServiceTrade dispatch board delivers scheduling and dispatching game changers to simplify the way dispatchers assign and schedule technicians and jobs. These enhancements provide everything business owners need – and nothing they don’t – to make smarter scheduling decisions, reduce travel time, and provide technicians with more information so they can work efficiently and productively. With a refurbished user interface and AI infusions to streamline all workflows, the dispatch and scheduling experience empowers commercial contracting businesses to prioritize the most profitable customers and jobs, optimize technician routes, schedule high-value work, and plan long-term to ensure all technicians are fully utilized.

Automated Tasking Ensures Efficiency and Maximum Profit at Each Appointment 
Streamlining the management of recurring maintenance tasks provides technicians with clear task checklists for each job and piece of equipment, and helps contractors meet service agreements. New task manager features simplify the planning and execution of maintenance activities, allow techs to meet productivity goals, and deliver quality service accurately to meet customer contract commitments and regulations at every service appointment.

AI-Driven Commenting and Job Summaries 
New AI-driven features, including SmartTranscribe, SmartComment, and SmartSummary, make it easier for technicians to provide detailed notes and for the office to more efficiently deliver complete customer communication. ServiceTrade’s industry-leading AI infusions help manage the full life-cycle of commercial and industrial building equipment from installation and startup to inspection and maintenance to repair and replace. Unlike other solutions focused on financial data, residential services, or those with limited data in the commercial sector, ServiceTrade Smart AI is powered by over 18 million commercial work orders servicing over 13 million building assets with over 6 million identified equipment issues.

To learn more about ServiceTrade:

About ServiceTrade:
ServiceTrade, Inc. is a software platform for commercial mechanical and fire and life safety contractors. During a chronic skilled labor shortage, ServiceTrade helps commercial contractors increase profit by improving service and project operations, increasing technician productivity, selling more service agreements, and growing customer loyalty. Located in Durham, North Carolina, ServiceTrade was founded in 2012 to automate and streamline the commercial mechanical and fire protection industry and has grown to have more than 1,300 customers. More than 10% of the commercial or industrial buildings in the United States are serviced by contractors using ServiceTrade. Learn more at


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