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RUNNUR locking, hands-free Tablet Tool Belt

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RUNNUR locking, hands-free Tablet Tool Belt

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RUNNUR, the leading manufacturer of the safest, most secure, and most accessible solutions for carrying tablets in the field, today officially launched a new line of hands-free, wearable tablet belt clips. RUNNUR’s clips are hip-mounted to either a person’s belt or to a separate heavy duty tool belt, providing the user with immediate access to their tablet at all times.
OtterBox, the number one selling case for smartphones and tablets, recently partnered with RUNNUR to offer these devices to their massive customer base. All RUNNUR products are made in Texas, with the company’s headquarters based in Austin.
With 105 million workers going mobile by the year 2020, and spending in enterprise technology significantly up over the previous quarter, tablets are quickly becoming mainstream for tens of millions of workers in fieldwork such as construction, oil and gas, and healthcare.
However, companies are now running into a new problem: how to easily carry tablets while maintaining the productivity and efficiency these devices provide. Mobile workers cannot perform many of their usual tasks and carry a tablet at the same time. Simply put, since the value of mobility is based on a person’s ability to carry technology with them, how they carry that technology is an important part of the equation.
RUNNUR’s new line of products are now available for purchase from OtterBox and the RUNNUR website. 

  • Tablet Belt Clip– The Tablet Belt Clip is the first and only product of its kind. It allows the user to lock and carry any standard tablet on the hip, and then access it within one second when needed. Initially offered at $99.00.
  • Heavy Duty Tablet Belt – The Heavy Duty Tablet Belt is a combination of the Tablet Belt Clip with the addition of a heavy duty belt. It is designed for heavy use, and can be worn for long periods of time. Comfort is the main feature with this product as it is made with a solid foam core, and fits snuggly around the waist distributing the weight of the device. Initially offered at $149.00.
  • Universal SlingMount™ – The Universal SlingMount™ is the easiest way to turn any tablet case into an over-the-shoulder sling. The mounting plate is the same one used for the belt clip, making the whole system modular. Initially offered at $49.00.


  • The Tablet Belt Clip allows users to easily carry a tablet on a belt like any other tool
  • Easy-to-assemble mounting plate is secured with VHB™ peel-and-bond adhesive [Tensile Strength 90lbs sq/in]
  • Buckle mechanism locks tablet to hip when not in use
  • Quick-press release button allows instant access to tablet in less than one second
  • Security cord [included] prevents dropping to avoid costly delays in repair
  • Reduces the probability of loss and theft
  • Perfect for jobs that require two hands by freeing up an “additional hand” that used to have to hold the tablet

“This thing looks deceptively simple, but once you try it out, you realize it’s really a giant leap forward in technology. This is a really smart, really comfortable design.”
–        Amazon review
“Our products provide a unique combination of attributes: hands-free functionality, device access in one second, and protection against dropping. You don’t expect a carpenter to carry his hammer around by hand all day – neither should we expect a field tech to do the same with their tablet.”
–        Andrew Hamra, CEO of RUNNUR
“There are so many things we love about this product, but time saving really jumps to the forefront of the benefits. Never having to put the tablet down means it’s always with us, and it’s always there when we need it. I love this product.
–  Chris Bruce, owner of Master Building Inspectors
“The concept behind this product is seriously smart. Construction is superb. No loose threads, every seam is tight and clean, zippers and velcro are all straight and solid.”
–        Amazon review
For more information on where to purchase and product specs, visit
RUNNUR manufactures the safest, most secure, and most accessible solutions for carrying tablets in the field, all within Texas. As of 2017, 40% of the global workforce use mobile devices of some kind. Our business model is based on one simple principal that is the foundation of the entire mobile market: mobile devices must be carried. RUNNUR believes that how you carry the device is an important part of its value. RUNNUR’s products provide a unique combination of attributes: hands-free functionality, device access in one second, and protection against dropping. The company’s line of products aims to increase the safety and productivity of mobile workforces, while saving money on device repair, and downtime due to dropped and broken devices.
To learn more about how RUNNUR is keeping the mobile workforce on its feet, visit


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