Roseburg Earn LEED® Green Associate Credentials

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Roseburg Earn LEED® Green Associate Credentials

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Roseburg is proud to announce that two more employees have recently become accredited with the U.S. Green Building Council as LEED® Green Associates. In late September, Devin Stuart, marketing product manager, and Chad Carlson, a sales representative, each successfully completed the certification test, signifying their leadership in the field and active participation in the green building movement.
The acronym “LEED” stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design and is used for both building certification and credentialing professionals. According to the U.S. Green Building Council’s website, “LEED Green Associates have a documented, up-to-date understanding of the most current green building principles and practices, and are committed to their professional future.” As Roseburg is contacted daily for information about how our products can support various green building programs like LEED, Stuart and Carlson’s deep knowledge of the LEED process will allow the company to educate customers about how our products can meet their specifications for green building requirements. Dawn Garcia, Roseburg’s marketing and sustainability manager, already holds the certification.
With the continued growth of green building, Roseburg has answered the demand for green building products over the years by expanding our offerings to include FSC® certification and low-emitting products that are specified for healthy indoor environmental quality. On October 5, Roseburg was recognized at the FSC® Leadership Awards for being one of the longest continually certified companies in the U.S. and for providing a continuous supply of FSC certified products to the green building marketplace.
Roseburg is a privately owned company and one of North America’s leading producers of particleboard, thermally-fused laminates, and now medium density fiberboard. Roseburg also manufactures softwood and hardwood plywood, lumber, LVL and I-joists. Roseburg owns 630,000 acres of timberland in Oregon and Northern California and ships products throughout North America and the Pacific Rim. To learn more about the company please visit


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