Renovation Tips: Outdoor Upgrades for Busy Homeowners

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Renovation Tips: Outdoor Upgrades for Busy Homeowners

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Homeowners often confine their home improvement and upgrade efforts to the interior living spaces. However, outdoor renovations can significantly increase the curb appeal and value of your property. 

According to a National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP) survey, 92% of home sellers invest in curb appeal before listing a property. Also, 60% of owners consider remodeling to experience increased enjoyment in their homes. 

However, finding the time and resources for an outdoor renovation project is easier said than done for busy homeowners. You may end up putting off upgrades due to the sheer lack of time, even if you have enough money to plan a makeover. Fortunately, you can achieve remarkable transformations without doing a lot with proper planning and efficient strategies.

In this article, we will share a few actionable tips to help you implement your outdoor renovation project.

Set Clear Goals and Prioritize

When it comes to outdoor upgrades in a short time, you need not do everything. Before diving into the project, define your goals according to your preferences, budget, and timelines. 

Do you want to enhance your home’s resale value? Are you looking to improve functionality? Is creating a relaxing oasis for your family in your mind? Besides asking these questions, consider the latest exterior makeover trends.

For example, the National Association of Realtors lists the following popular outdoor projects for American homeowners:

  • Standard lawn care service: 217% ROI
  • Landscape maintenance: 104% ROI
  • Overall landscape upgrade: 100% ROI
  • Outdoor kitchen: 100% ROI
  • New patio: 95% ROI

Once you have a clear vision, prioritize your renovation goals according to urgency and feasibility. Fence installation or landscaping for natural barriers should be a priority if your exterior space lacks privacy and security. On the other hand, you may prefer investing in an outdoor kitchen and entertainment space if you love hosting parties under the sky. 

Seek Professional Services

As a busy homeowner looking for outdoor improvement, you should avoid taking a DIY approach. No matter how enthusiastic you are initially, you will probably never finish the project due to other commitments. Seeking professional services to do the heavy lifting is a feasible option, even if you spend a bit on them.

The landscaping industry is big in the US, with 633,481 landscaping businesses and 1.2 million people offering services to clients. Regardless of your location, you will never fall short of options. You may even find specialists for your unique needs. According to Cantrell’s Tree & Land Management, projects like comprehensive land clearing, routine tree maintenance, and emergency tree removal require extensive expertise and specialized tools. 

In cities like Greenville, South Carolina, where sustainability is a priority for homeowners, landscaping services are in high demand. It means you may have to search hard to find a Greenville tree service you can trust to complete your project on time. However, you can do your homework and collaborate with a provider for the long haul for regular upgrades. 

Select Simple Designs and Low-Maintenance Materials

Did you know that remodeling expenditure in the US was a staggering $418 billion in the third quarter of 2022? The estimates for the same period in 2023 were $445 billion. Per capita spending may vary according to the project, but most homeowners can expect to spend a few thousand on outdoor renovation. Also, these projects may require weeks or months of work, making them stressful for busy homeowners.

You can streamline the renovation process by choosing simple yet elegant designs that complement your property’s home’s architecture and landscape. Steer clear of intricate features and complex layouts that require extensive time and effort. Also, opt for low-maintenance and robust materials that can withstand the test of time and require minimal upkeep.

Monitor Progress throughout the Project

Even if you have the best professionals working on your outdoor renovation project, you should not leave things to chance. Constant monitoring is the only way to ensure that the project meets your expectations and stays on track. Schedule in-person checks regardless of time constraints and maintain open lines of communication with contractors and service providers.

Discuss your preferences, requirements, and goals with them from the outset to be on the same page. Also, ensure they know your expectations regarding budgets and timelines. Regular monitoring helps you identify issues and address them early to prevent rework and waste of time and money.

In conclusion, an outdoor renovation project sounds challenging if you are pressed for time. However, following these simple steps makes it more doable despite your tight schedules. Hiring specialists can simplify the project and speed up the results. Sooner rather than later, you will have a haven that adds appeal to your home, replicates your taste, and enhances your lifestyle. 

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