Registration Now Open for 2024 FGIA IG Fabricators Workshop

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Registration Now Open for 2024 FGIA IG Fabricators Workshop

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Registration is now open for the annual Fenestration and Glazing Industry Alliance (FGIA) Insulating Glass (IG) Fabricators Workshop ( taking place November 5-7 at the Intertek testing facility in Plano, Texas. Led by industry experts, the IG Fabricators Workshop features a balanced mix of classroom education along with hands-on experience to discover best practices for the most important aspects of fabricating and testing IG units. Registration will close October 18. Register now ( for this industry-leading, hands-on training.

Registration for this popular workshop fills up every year, so don’t wait,” said Kaydeen Laird, FGIA Education Manager. “Register early to reserve your spot at these stations focused on IG quality, including an extensive session focused on investigating IG failures.”

Station Topics
Since its launch in 2016, the IG Fabricator Workshop has hosted more than 300 practitioners of the IG industry. Industry leaders at each workshop station will cover:
• Glass cutting and washing
• Spacer and IG fabrication
• Sealants adhesion butterfly test
• Sealant mix test/desiccant testing
• Volatile fog inspection
• Gas filling and measurement
• Frost point testing
• Forensic investigation of failures

Registration Fees
The fee for FGIA members is $890, although subsequent registrations at the same company can be added for $855 per person. Non-members can register for a fee of $990. For more information, visit

Video Series Workshop
Because this exclusive event fills quickly, FGIA offers a remote learning option as well. The FGIA Video Series Workshop offers a condensed version of the in-person, hands-on workshop delivered in ten 20–30-minute segments. It is available for purchase in the FGIA Learning Center (

For more information about FGIA and its activities, visit



Feature Image Courtesy of: FGIA


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