Reasons to Hire a Tenant Representative

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Reasons to Hire a Tenant Representative

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Whether you are signing a lease for your office or warehouse space, you need an advisor to guide you through the process. It is a significant financial commitment that demands your time and attention. Tenant representatives can be valuable resources, so here are a few reasons to consider working with them. 

  • They Only Represent You

Tenant representatives like Jeff Tabor Group do not represent landlords. Unlike brokers, they only represent you. With real estate representation, you need to find someone solely concerned about your needs. Usually, tenant representatives are paid by your landlord. Most landlords are happy to incur this cost, as it helps them find credit-worthy tenants.

Since brokers can represent both landlords and tenants, they don’t have incentive to negotiate lower costs on your behalf. Brokers will also likely prioritize properties whose landlords they represent. They are unlikely to show you all the available properties. 
Tenant representatives save you from overpaying for properties that probably don’t match your needs. Since they are unbiased, they will show all the suitable properties for your needs. They help you secure the best deal and minimize the risks of commercial real estate transactions. 

  • They Offer Insight

Tenant representatives give you some insight into space needs and buildings. While picking the right office location may seem easy, the details can be overwhelming. Here are a few critical questions that your tenant representative could help you answer:

  • How much space does your business need?
  • How are Class A buildings better than Class B buildings?
  • Does your preferred location suit the needs of clients and employees?
  • What is the best property for your needs?

Tenant representatives use their experience to help you address specific space needs. The process typically starts with a needs analysis. It gives the representative a clear picture of what your business needs. The representative will analyze your anticipated growth and location needs. They use this information to get you into a long-term lease commitment. 
Tenant representatives will generally have information regarding the state of your local market, off-market agencies and specific building owners. This is essential information when you want to make a leasing decision. 

  • They Address Your Specific Needs

Tenant representatives consider your specific needs. One of their most valuable traits is that they create a personal relationship with you. The relationship will make it easy for them to assess your needs through every stage of the process. By working with you and your team, they understand factors that you may be overlooking and your asking points. For example, if you want a warehouse space in upstate New York, you could save money by looking at options in Connecticut. The plots are similar, but the final costs could differ. 
Tenant representatives use their experience to help you see the bigger picture. Strategic deliberation makes it possible to identify your ideal course of action.  Whether you will be expanding or downsizing your space, a good rep should help you understand your options. They handle negotiations to serve your best interest. 

  • Saving Money

Your representative understands landlords and is equipped to help you save money at every stage. They represent you in negotiations, ensuring you get the best deals and lease terms. With the help of a leasing agent, you can get perks like a rent-free period and free parking. 
Tenant representatives also help property owners by bringing in potential tenants, negotiating the best possible lease rate, and protecting their interests during the leasing process. While some property owners believe they can save money by handling the leasing process on their own, this is often not the case. Tenant representatives have extensive knowledge of the commercial real estate market and are familiar with the ins and outs of lease negotiations. As a result, they are able to secure favorable terms for their clients that would be difficult to obtain without their assistance.

In addition, tenant representatives are typically paid a commission by the landlord, so there is no out-of-pocket cost to the property owner. Hiring a tenant representative is often one of the smartest ways to save money when leasing commercial real estate.

  • The Landlord Isn’t On Your Side

No matter how nice your landlord may seem, their goal is to make as much money as possible.  If you don’t have a broker representative to act on your behalf, your landlord’s broker will try to profit off your ignorance. Tenant representative brokers seek to get the best outcome for you rather than the building. 

  • Variety of Services

Your tenant representative offers a variety of services. They follow various processes to ensure that you enjoy comprehensive care. This is what sets them apart from brokers. Here are a few services to expect in a typical transaction:

  • Discussing your property needs
  • Thorough market research to identify the most appropriate sites
  • A quick review of the sites
  • Preparing a thorough market survey
  • Setting up property tours
  • Working with you to decide the first cuts and properties for which you wish to submit a Request for Proposal
  • Give an analysis of your financial terms and break down your KPIs
  • Identify hidden charges on your landlord’s part
  • Give a summary of your terms after negotiation
  • Offer support through the signing and lease commencement dates.

Tenant representatives typically complete these processes within a few days. 

  • You Can focus On Your Business

Working with a tenant representative allows you to focus on the core operations of your business.  A good tenant representative will handle your space needs while you worry about your core operations.  You can continue managing your customer relations, supply chains, and other important things instead of looking for your office space. Even the biggest companies with real estate professionals will benefit from using tenant representatives.

  • Properties Aren’t Always Listed in the Same Place

Since the right properties aren’t always listed in the same place, you may have a hard time getting the full picture. A tenant representative will ensure that you understand everything that is available. In addition, some brokerages don’t update their listings on free sites, and some websites do not offer complete information. Tenant representatives have a variety of resources. They can use them to find inclusive lists in no time. They also have the time to ensure that you get the best options. 
Unlike landlord representatives, tenant representatives represent your best interests. They work for you and not your landlord. In addition, your landlord will cover the costs of a tenant representative.


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