Preparing your House for Sale: Projects Worth Doing

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Preparing your House for Sale: Projects Worth Doing

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Selling your home can be quite a task if you don’t prepare properly. Buyers always have certain things in mind when they come to see a property. Even small things can create a negative perception, and it might be enough to put off a deal. In this article, we will discuss the projects which are worth doing and the ones which are waste of time when it comes to selling your house. 
You may find that we have spent so much on preparing your house for sale that it was not worth it and you don’t get a return on your investment. On the other hand, you may realize that if you would have improved a few things, then the sale deal would have sailed through.  
Projects Which are Worth Doing 
There are few projects which you are well worth your while when preparing your house for sale.  
Identify makeovers and necessary repairs 
If you have been living in your home for a long time, then there will normally be wear and tear such as a squeaking door, a stained windowpane or broken bathroom door handle. While you’re living there, you might ignore it, but buyers often pick up these minor glitches to build a negative image of the property. 
Therefore, it’s worth your while conducting projects for minor makeovers that will be light on your pocket but will provide that necessary touch up which will make the house look so much better for potential buyers. Of course, the challenge here is to critically assess which repairs are necessary and which are not.  
Declutter your house 
Big spaces might be a selling point, but at the same time, these larger spaces can attract clutter. It’s easy to let bits and pieces build up, whether unneeded items or straight up trash, and this makes you home look congested and dirty. 
Before you put your house or apartment on the market, it’s important to declutter the house completely and remove unnecessary objects that have been sitting in your home all this time. Decluttering is a complex as a well as time-consuming project, so it needs proper planning, but it’s well worth it! For a nominal cost, you can also hire a professional organiser who can declutter your house more effectively and more efficiently.  
Paint whatever is required 
Faded and chipped paint is one of the biggest deterrents for buyers. Old paint looks ugly as well as dirty. Even if your house is only a few years old, scrathed and chipped paint will make it look decades older. If your painting needs are minor, or if you only have one or two spots to touch up, then maybe you can grab a paintbrush and paint it yourself. However, if more extensive painting is needed, then it’s a good idea to hire a professional painter for the job. It’s worth investing in painting, as a properly painted house creates an excellent impression on potential buyers.  
Clean your house until it sparkles 
You’ll be surprised how much different a good clean makes. A dull and dirty house can dampen the spirits of potential buyers and put off bids. Sure you can clean your house yourself, but unless you have the time, energy, and equipment to do a really good job, it will be worth investing in paying a professional cleaner. 

Projects Not Worth Considering 

There are certain projects which are not worth considering, as you’re unlikely to see the effort and cost repaid when you finalize the sale.  
Don’t spend on improving landscape 
It’s true that how your house looks on both the inside and the outside is important. Therefore, it’s a good idea to mow the lawn and tidy up your garden. However, extensive landscaping and investing in a whole new garden is not really worth it.  
Don’t spend too much on plumbing  
Buyers do understand that if you have an old house, there will be plumbing defects. Don’t go overboard and hire a contractor or plumber to completely overhaul your plumbing systems. You can fix minor plumbing issues yourself, especially if you have a little plumbing training.
Don’t spend on upgrading interiors 
This is something you should avoid. It’s common for seller to spend a lot of money on upgrading interiors to make their house look trendy. However, generally it’s not worth it. Many new buyers will redo interior décor to go with their own style and tastes anyway. Most buyers look at the basic look and structure of the house, they are not worried so much about the interior design.  
Key takeaways 
When you’re preparing to sell your home, ou obviously want to get the best sale price possible. In this context, spending a load of money before the sale may be the last thing on your mind. However, there are some investments which will be more than worth your while, while others are simply not worth it. 


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