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Design, procurement, capital management, and project management firm Premier has hired Robin Bellerby, LEED AP, as the firm’s Senior Vice President of Architecture. Bellerby will continue the firm’s legacy of designing hotels for brands like Ritz Carlton, Hilton, and Hyatt, in addition to helping Premier grow its budding multifamily and student-housing portfolios. Bellerby’s extensive experience in these markets, in addition to her expertise managing various technical and legal aspects of projects, further builds on Premier’s team of multidisciplinary talent.

“As developers across numerous industries continue to work on tight budgets while wanting to push the envelope on architecture and design, Robin will help Premiere develop individualized plans to ensure clients meet their goals,” said Hector Sanchez, Premier’s Chief Executive Officer. “Her ability to see the big picture while also tackling projects’ technical details represents Premier’s commitment to creating a well-rounded team with diverse skill sets.”

At Premier, Bellerby will lead the firm’s innovative design team, including working across teams to prepare integrated working drawings for bidding, permits, and construction. Previously, Bellerby was a Principal at Humphreys & Partners Architects, where she led production and construction projects and managed 80 team members. She managed numerous high-profile projects from design development to project completion, including Manhattan, a $120 million, 700-unit condominium in Las Vegas, and Mockingbird Flats, a $28 million, 412-unit multifamily development in Dallas.  Beyond her construction and design expertise, she also brings years of experience overseeing legal contracts, managing tight budgets, and leading training programs.

About Premier

Dallas-based Premier, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ashford Inc. (NYSE American: AINC), is a full-service firm with over 25 years of expertise across interior design and architecture, procurement, project management, construction development and contract administration. With all services yielded under one roof, Premier’s team is in constant pursuit of finding innovative solutions to the hospitality and multifamily industry’s increasingly complex problems; from straightforward soft goods refreshes to transformative custom design renovations, their team of professionals is dedicated to design excellence across a multitude of market sectors. From concept to completion, Premier provides services that are unmatched, bringing their clients’ vision for the built environment to life. For more information, please visit


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The 2024 virtual Men’s Round Table will be held Q4, 2024, date TBD.

2024 Virtual Men’s Round Tables

2023 Virtual Men’s Round Table was held on November 7th, 2023 via Zoom.


2024 Virtual Women’s Round Table

2023 Women’s Round Table #1 was held on October 20th, 2023 via Zoom


Women of the Vine & Spirits Foundation awards 33 scholarships

With a philosophy that education is a cornerstone of career advancement, the Women of the Vine & Spirits Foundation has awarded $863,545 in scholarships since its inception in 2017. Providing scholarships to support educational and professional development, the non-profit continues to propel its mission of cultivating and

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