The Power Processor is an electronic, microprocessor-controlled tap switching voltage regulator/power conditioner, which consists of an all-copper, multiple-tapped, triple-shielded isolation transformer. In conjunction with the electrostatic shields, the low output impedance of the transformer assures computer-grade performance with excellent noise and transient attenuation. For each of the 7 taps per phase, independently controlled inverse parallel electronic switches provide tight voltage regulation to +/- 2.5%. Digital processing provides fast, accurate regulation to within 1 cycle, without over- or under-shoot.
Single Phase Sizes: 5.0kVA, 8.0kVA, 10kVA, 15kVA, 20kVA, 25kVA
Three Phase Sizes: 10kVA, 15kVA, 25kVA, 30kVA, 45kVA, 50kVA, 75kVA, 100kVA, 125kVA, 150kVA, 225kVA, 300kVA, 350kVA, 400kVA, 450kVA, 500kVA, 1MVA.
For more info please visit The Power Processor is an electronic, microprocessor-controlled tap switching voltage regulator/power conditioner, which consists of an all-copper, multiple-tapped, triple-shielded isolation transformer. In conjunction with the electrostatic shields, the low output impedance of the transformer assures computer-grade performance with excellent noise and transient attenuation. For each of the 7 taps per phase, independently controlled inverse parallel electronic switches provide tight voltage regulation to +/- 2.5%. Digital processing provides fast, accurate regulation to within 1 cycle, without over- or under-shoot.
Single Phase Sizes: 5.0kVA, 8.0kVA, 10kVA, 15kVA, 20kVA, 25kVA
Three Phase Sizes: 10kVA, 15kVA, 25kVA, 30kVA, 45kVA, 50kVA, 75kVA, 100kVA, 125kVA, 150kVA, 225kVA, 300kVA, 350kVA, 400kVA, 450kVA, 500kVA, 1MVAThe Power Processor is an electronic, microprocessor-controlled tap switching voltage regulator/power conditioner, which consists of an all-copper, multiple-tapped, triple-shielded isolation transformer. In conjunction with the electrostatic shields, the low output impedance of the transformer assures computer-grade performance with excellent noise and transient attenuation. For each of the 7 taps per phase, independently controlled inverse parallel electronic switches provide tight voltage regulation to +/- 2.5%. Digital processing provides fast, accurate regulation to within 1 cycle, without over- or under-shoot.
Single Phase Sizes: 5.0kVA, 8.0kVA, 10kVA, 15kVA, 20kVA, 25kVA
Three Phase Sizes: 10kVA, 15kVA, 25kVA, 30kVA, 45kVA, 50kVA, 75kVA, 100kVA, 125kVA, 150kVA, 225kVA, 300kVA, 350kVA, 400kVA, 450kVA, 500kVA, 1MVA
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