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Porcelanosa, a global leader in the innovation, design, manufacture, and distribution of tile, kitchen, and bath products, The Center for Health Design, and The American Academy of Healthcare Interior Designers (AAHID) has sponsored the launch of a new podcast.
Healthcare Interior Design 2.0 is a podcast that explores the changing face of healthcare design through intimate conversations with leading creatives in the field and focuses on the innovation, challenges, and solutions regarding healthcare design. The podcast is geared toward the designers, architects, developers and engineers who create tomorrow’s hospitals, healthcare spaces and senior living communities.
The podcast’s inaugural two episodes feature interviews with President of the American Academy of Healthcare Interior Design Libby Laguta and Ana Pinto-Alexander, the award winning Principal and Group Director for Health Interiors at HKS Architects.
Podcast host Cheryl Janis says, “It is an honor and a privilege to speak to some of the brightest minds and biggest hearts who are changing the future of healthcare design. Listeners love the healthcare history trivia questions unique to each episode, and one listener shared the interviews are like a PhD in healthcare design!”
Listeners of the podcast can contact info@healthcareidpodcast.com via email to provide feedback and ideas for the podcast, or to even become a guest on the show.
To listen to the podcast, visit www.healthcareidpodcast.com, or download it from iTunes or Stitcher.
ABOUT PORCELANOSA PORCELANOSA is a global leader in the innovation, design, manufacture and distribution of tile, kitchen and bath products. With over 40 years of experience, Porcelanosa has created its worldwide reputation for itself as more than just a manufacturer due to its ongoing efforts in the fields of research and quality. Porcelanosa specializes in an extensive range of products including tiles, bathroom fixtures and sanitaryware, facades, and KRION® Solid Surface material – allowing their various products and designs to fit in with a multitude of projects.
ABOUT THE CENTER FOR HEALTH DESIGN The Center for Health Design advances best practices and empowers healthcare leaders with quality research that demonstrates the value of design to improve health outcomes, patient experience of care, and provider/staff satisfaction and performance. Through design research, education, and advocacy, they’re leading the way in transforming hospitals, clinics, wellness centers, doctor’s offices, and residential care facilities for a safer, healthier tomorrow.
ABOUT AAHID The American Academy of Healthcare Interior Designers (AAHID) is a nonprofit organization committed to the development and administration of the CHID Certified Healthcare Interior Designer® Exam, the only certification program for healthcare interior designers. It is not a membership organization, but rather an organization that board-certifies interior designers in the U.S. and Canada that specialize in acute care, ambulatory care, and residential care facility design.


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The 2024 virtual Men’s Round Table will be held Q4, 2024, date TBD.

2024 Virtual Men’s Round Tables

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Women of the Vine & Spirits Foundation awards 33 scholarships

With a philosophy that education is a cornerstone of career advancement, the Women of the Vine & Spirits Foundation has awarded $863,545 in scholarships since its inception in 2017. Providing scholarships to support educational and professional development, the non-profit continues to propel its mission of cultivating and

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