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Cryptocurrencies have become an open and available digital financial market for everyone, where there is no requirement to use it, visit: crypto trading wallet.
To the point that through this new digital financial system, large investors and owners of large corporations can converge and beginners who only want to start in the crypto assets business.
Although there is no legal support or foundation that controls CRYPTOCURRENCIES, they have performed based on the support and trust of their users.
Over time, cryptocurrencies tend to adapt to the environment’s needs where, by satisfying them, new forms of assets or new investment projects arise.
Such is the case of cryptocurrency mining; where knowing that the mining process significantly affects the environment, equipment and technologies have begun to be designed that allow energy consumption and the effects on the ecosystem to be impacted less.
That is why cryptocurrencies are considered economical and financial projections that always seek economic benefit by generating juicy returns and a better quality of life.
The younger generations are the ones who are leading the CRYPTOGRAPHIC PROJECT since their ideas are usually new and fresh in the face of a system that is possibly already highly contaminated by practices that do not do the economy any good.
Unfortunately, financial institutions and States often want to control all the situations around a particular economic scenario, but this usually causes worse consequences.
The freedom granted by the decentralization of digital currencies and crypto assets means that the number of followers and users who intend to invest and make investments, for example, in Bitcoin, as a way of life is increasing.
The NFTS arrived a couple of years ago with a fresh concept of digital works of art, which acquire value and can be sold or auctioned for the price estimated by the parties.
These works of art tend to differ from traditional works of art in terms of creation since any creation that the user finds attractive can be considered a digital work, from a Tweet to a design that requires more dedication.
What are philanthropy and the digital market?
Two concepts may seem completely different, but something unites them in this economic environment, and they are NFTs.
Philanthropy refers to the love for things and the human species, where the way to demonstrate it is through selfless help towards the one or something that needs it.
Cryptographic technology and the Blockchain have been compared as two elements that, without being alive, are fascinating enough to generate an unprecedented contribution to humanity that could change it in a transcendental way.
Creating cryptographic projects in the form of NFTs that transmits a message to society attempts to raise awareness and humanize organization more.
The popularity and positioning of these digital financial assets are used to reach thousands of users who may even become interested in digital works that convey more of a message than just something funny that lasts a moment.
A trend-setting project
The NFT Project called World of Women was recently created, where around 10,000 NFTs have already been incorporated.
These digital artworks reflect women’s current position in society and their empowerment with the drastic changes that humanity is experiencing, a feminist trend that captures women from another perspective, the technological one.
Significant entertainment figures gave their support to this project where women who at this time could be considered the head of the base of society are valued even more; consequently, they have a rather complicated role in an environment modified by roe customs.
Yam Karkai is the founder of this project based on non-fungible tokens, which has contributed to making women known from this new perspective and supporting charities for the development of women.
Another demonstration is that the digital financial market is an entirely different concept from the traditional economy. It only focuses on consumerism and the development of new economic forms.
The primary beneficiaries are the States and the financial institutions. These types of projects only seek their benefit through currencies and digital assets; they seek to diversify the economic concept for the entire society.
The various aspects that make up the day-to-day of humanity are considered, where the efforts of each of the members of society are valued.


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The 2024 virtual Men’s Round Table will be held Q4, 2024, date TBD.

2024 Virtual Men’s Round Tables

2023 Virtual Men’s Round Table was held on November 7th, 2023 via Zoom.


2024 Virtual Women’s Round Table

2023 Women’s Round Table #1 was held on October 20th, 2023 via Zoom

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