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Phifer 082515

Image Source Courtesy: Phifer

Phifer’s SheerWeave interior sun control fabrics provide the perfect balance of light, comfort and beauty, making them the ideal window covering solution for residential and commercial spaces alike. A sleek and functional alternative to ordinary window coverings, SheerWeave effortlessly and elegantly manages the sun’s harsh heat and blinding glare. Spanning more than 30 collections in a palette of colors, weaves and range of openness factors, Phifer’s SheerWeave fabric line is sure to have a shading solution to meet your needs.

SheerWeave fabrics reduce glare by 70%-100% based on color and openness factor, which are the most important features to consider for energy savings and light management. Below are a few principles to consider when choosing the optimal fabric for your next window covering project:

LIGHT VS. DARK COLORS: SheerWeave color options range from creamy White and Bone to darker Charcoal and Chestnut tones. These color designations go beyond aesthetics and color coordination with interior décor. Lighter color fabrics provide optimum heat reduction, reflect light and illuminate the interior. Darker fabrics provide a superb view to the outside and reduce glare, making them ideal for viewing computer and television screens.

OPENNESS DIFFERENCES: The openness of a fabric refers to the weave or mesh structure and determines the amount of heat and light that enters a room. Generally, a more open fabric allows more heat and light to penetrate into the room, while tighter meshes block more heat and light. Additionally, more open fabrics help maintain better outward visibility. SheerWeave fabrics are offered in a variety of openness factors to allow optimal light in commercial buildings or provide more privacy in settings such as healthcare facilities.

For more information on Phifer SheerWeave please visit the website at


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Alfred Sanzari Enterprises, a preeminent family-owned and operated commercial and residential real estate firm, announces the completion of a capital improvement project at the Glenpointe Marriott, a 351-room full-service hotel located on the company’s Glenpointe corporate campus in Teaneck, N.J. The capital improvement project transformed the hotel’s 39,317-square-foot

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