According to the U.S. Green Building Council, moisture is one of the most common causes of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) problems in buildings and has been responsible for some of the most costly IAQ litigation and remediation. Moreover, poor IAQ quality has been linked to a variety of problematic health symptoms including headaches, allergies, sinus congestion, coughing, sneezing, dizziness and nausea.
Designed for multi-family dwellings and new air tight homes, Panasonic’s New Intelli-Balance 100 is the most cost effective solution for meeting ventilation code and minimizing the impact of poor IAQ. The high performance, high efficiency ERV removes potentially toxic air and replenishes it with clean, healthy air for improved IAQ. Other key features include:
- Two (2) revolutionary DC motors with Smart Flow™ technology ensure optimum CFM output
- Pick-A-Flow speed selector (50 to 100 CFM) to provide customizable airflow to create balanced, positive or negative pressure within the home
- Exclusive built-in ASHRAE 62.2 timing function to help ensure code compliance
- MERV 8 filter included; optional MERV 8 and MERV 13 replacements available
- Patented exchange capillary core recovers heat and moisture
- 6 Year Warranty on DC motor, 3 Years on all other parts
Panasonic’s Intelli-Balance 100 was recently selected as “Best Energy Efficient Product” at this year’s NAHB International Builders show from more than 400 entries. This award reflects Panasonic’s dedication to providing a comprehensive line of high-performance, low-cost ventilation solutions that respect the environment and reduce costs for customers.