Oakwood Veneer Paintable Laminate Sheets

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Oakwood Veneer Paintable Laminate Sheets

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When it comes to low cost paneling or sheets for painting purposes, woodworkers’ options have generally been limited. Plywood, MDF, and veneer can be difficult to paint, require many coats, and still end up showing knots, grain, seams, and imperfections – sometimes well after the painting is done. Maple or birch wood veneer is often the first considered option, and it has the added downfall of not being suitable for outdoor applications (except when properly encapsulated with epoxy). Additionally, these options might become costly, especially considering a paintable surface is all that is needed.
For these reasons, Oakwood Veneer has introduced a paintable laminate product called 24-mil Plastiback. For many years, Oakwood has sold an 11-mil version of the product as a balance backer sheet. Its resin-embedded paper material is lightweight, water resistant, and very durable. The 24-mil sheet has all of these advantages, plus the added bonus of being paintable.
Plastiback 24-mil laminate sheets are available in 4’X8′, as well as 4’X10′ and 4’X12′ sizes. Its ability to be rolled up means that shipping is relatively low cost. While it is completely flexible, its thickness allows it to hide minor imperfections in substrates. Plastiback sheets can be easily cut with a knife or even a quality pair of scissors. The material lies flat, and is exceptionally flexible for many types of applications, including being bent around a tight radius.
Twenty-four mil thickness indicates that the Plastiback sheet is 24/1000ths of an inch thick, which translates to approximately 1/42″ thick. This is roughly the thickness of a raw sheet of veneer without the backer.
Plastiback paintable laminate sheets start at $1.29 per square foot for the 4’X8′ size. More information is available at www.oakwoodveneer.com or by calling 800-426-6018.


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