Overhead Door™‎ Brand Offers RapidFlex® Model

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Overhead Door™‎ Brand Offers RapidFlex® Model

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Overhead Door™ Brand, a leading manufacturer of residential and commercial door solutions, is expanding RapidFlex® Model 991 with new stainless steel options geared specifically for applications prioritizing cleanliness, such as food processing facilities. The new package includes stainless steel choices including those for front and wall guides, sloped hood, head plates and operator cover. The enhanced features allow food facilities to obtain FDA and USDA approvals and follow good manufacturing practices (GMPs).

“RapidFlex® 991 is a popular industrial door in facilities requiring solutions that provide separation of controlled environments. The new stainless steel package further enhances its protective and sanitary benefits,” said Christian Morrow, Brand Manager for Overhead Door™ Brand. “This is especially important for spaces such as food and beverage facilities, high traffic zones, storage rooms and manufacturing areas to prevent cross contamination.”

RapidFlex® 991 is a high-speed interior fabric door featuring dual-recessed photo eyes and a patent-pending curtain lock, which allows the doors to withstand pressure and enables them to be repaired quickly in the field. It is corrosion-resistant to water, cleaners, soaps and other chemicals, resists reaction to blood, animal parts and other substances to maintain sanitary conditions and withstands regular washdowns while being easy to clean, keep sanitary and inhibit bacterial growth.

Offering speeds of up to 70 inches per second and certified air tightness to prevent airborne contaminants from entering a controlled environment, RapidFlex® 991 operates via a direct drive motor and gearbox system with a door stop device. With built-in obstruction detection, infrared sensors are mounted in-plane to the door curtain. RapidFlex® 991 comes with a five-year limited warranty.

For more information, visit overheaddoor.com.

About the Overhead Door™ brand

A brand of Overhead Door Corporation, The Overhead Door™ brand is one of the most trusted for garage doors and garage door openers in North America. Through its dedicated network of more than 400 Overhead Door™ Distributors – which operate across the country under “Overhead Door Company” trade names – that provide superior service and expertise to consumers, the brand is easily recognized by its iconic Red Ribbon logo and “The Genuine. The Original.” slogan. For additional information, visit overheaddoor.com.




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