Obtaining an Electrical Certificate of Compliance

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Obtaining an Electrical Certificate of Compliance

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In Australia, all electrical work must be compliant with the National Electrical Code (NEC). This includes any new installation, alterations or repairs. Electrical contractors who complete work that is not compliant may face fines and other penalties. To ensure that your property is safe and meets all electrical requirements, you should always ask for a Certificate of Compliance for Electrical Work (CCEW) from your electrician. This article will explain what a CCEW is and how to obtain one.

What is an electrical certificate of compliance?

An electrical certificate of compliance (CCEW) is a document that certifies that the work carried out by an electrical contractor is compliant with the NEC. It also serves as proof that the electrical installation was approved, inspected and tested by a qualified electrician and meets all relevant safety standards. The CCEW should be filled in, signed and stamped by an authorized person who has inspected and tested the installation. 

When is an electrical certificate of compliance required?

An electrical certificate of compliance is required whenever any electrical work has been carried out on a property. This includes new installations, modifications or repairs. The CCEW must be obtained before the electricity supply can be reconnected to the property. Be sure to comply with this requirement to avoid fines and other penalties. You should also ensure that you ask your electrician for a CCEW when they finish any electrical work.

How to get a compliance certificate

In order to obtain a compliance certificate, the electrical work must be inspected and tested by a qualified electrician. The electrician will need access to the wiring, installation and appliances so they can check that everything is compliant with the NEC. Once this has been done, the electrician will fill in, sign and stamp the CCEW.

The CCEW should be obtained from a qualified electrician who is authorized to issue electrical compliance certificates in your state. You can find an electrician through your local directory or asking around for recommendations. Alternatively, you can contact the relevant government body in your state to get a list of approved electricians. 

What to do with the certificate

Once you have received the CCEW, it should be stored safely and provided if requested by authorities or other parties involved in any sale or transfer of ownership. It is important to note that the electrical certificate of compliance will only remain valid for five years from the date on which it was issued. After this time, another inspection and testing must be carried out, and a new CCEW must be obtained.

Potential penalties for not having a compliance certificate

Failing to obtain an electrical certificate of compliance when required can result in hefty fines and even imprisonment. Therefore, it is important to ensure that all electrical work carried out on your property is compliant with the NEC and that you obtain a CCEW from a qualified electrician. This will help to protect you and others from any potential safety hazards caused by faulty installations or repairs.

Obtaining an electrical certificate of compliance is essential for complying with the National Electrical Code and ensuring your property meets all electrical safety standards. It is important to use a qualified electrician and obtain a CCEW before any electricity supply is reconnected to the property. The certificate should then be kept safe, as it may need to be provided in any future sale or transfer of ownership of the property.

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