New To Interior Design? The Trends That Are Predicted for 2023

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New To Interior Design? The Trends That Are Predicted for 2023

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As it is now approaching the halfway mark for 2023, interior design enthusiasts and professionals are eagerly anticipating the latest trends that will shape the industry in the latter part of the year. 

Much like the regular fashion industry, interior design has so far been focused on sustainability, comfort, and personalization, meaning that having a home that looks like everyone else’s is no longer what most people want. 

However, there are some trends that are taking the forefront of interior decor in 2023, and 5 of those will be explored here. 

Natural Materials and Earthy Tones 

In 2023, there has been an increased emphasis on natural materials and earthy tones in interior design. Mayfair interior designers have stated that the use of sustainable materials such as bamboo, cork, and jute will be popular, as well as earthy shades of green, brown, and terracotta. These materials and colors not only create a warm and inviting atmosphere but also align with the growing movement toward eco-friendliness and sustainability. 

Multifunctional Spaces

As homes continue to serve multiple purposes, multifunctional spaces will become more prevalent in interior design. In the latter months of 2023, you can expect to see more furniture and decor items that serve multiple purposes, such as storage ottomans that can also be used as seating or wall-mounted desks that can be folded down when not in use. As people continue to work, study, and relax at home, this trend will become increasingly important, especially for those people who have smaller homes or are aiming for minimalism in their interior decor.

Bold Patterns and Textures 

Bold patterns and textures have been a prominent trend in 2023, adding depth and interest to interiors. From geometric patterns to abstract prints, bold patterns will be used to create a statement in a room. Textured finishes such as woven fabrics, chunky knits, and shaggy rugs will also be popular, adding warmth and coziness to spaces.


As mentioned before, in 2023, interior design is all about personalization. With a focus on individuality, homeowners will be encouraged to create spaces that reflect their personalities and interests. This trend will be seen in the use of statement pieces, unique decor items, and the incorporation of personal collections and artwork. As people spend more time at home, it is important to create a space that feels like a true reflection of oneself. 

Sustainable Lighting 

Sustainable lighting is also set to be a major trend throughout 2023 as people become more aware of the impact of their energy consumption. LED lighting will continue to be popular, as it is energy-efficient and long-lasting. Additionally, natural light will be prioritized, with large windows and skylights becoming more common in interior design. This trend not only benefits the environment but also improves the mood and well-being of those who occupy the space.

Even better is that LED lighting is now often able to be digitally connected to an AI assistant, such as Alexa or Google Home, meaning that you will be able to dim the lights without needing to touch a switch. 


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