New Terrazzo™ Granite Colors and Formula

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New Terrazzo™ Granite Colors and Formula

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Real stone coatings have never looked this good. Daich Coatings has revitalized its Terrazzo line of stone coatings for concrete, masonry, linoleum, vinyl and tile surfaces. The new formula offers a heavier stone filling for higher durability. The decorative granite resurfacer comes in six pre-mixed colors, including Silverado, Pearl Grey, Moonscape, Café, Glacier and Tangiers.

“The new Terrazzohas a very realistic and attractive appearance,” says Peter Daich, president of Daich Coatings. “We’ve taken a truly good product and made it better. By using a finer grade of stone we’ve created a superior coating.”
Indoor/Outdoor Surface
Self-priming Terrazzo can be applied in both indoor and outdoor settings. While ideal for a basement or garage floor, the product also does extremely well when subjected to the elements. That’s why all-weather Terrazzo can be applied to walkways, porches, pool decks and patios.
 Tested for water, salt, chemical, impact and abrasion resistance, Terrazzo is long-lasting in any environment. The real stone coating also resists hot tire pick up, plus mold and mildew. Terrazzo is U/V brittle resistant and beautifully handles freeze and thaw conditions.
Rolling on Performance
“Terrazzo offers the beauty of real granite, but you just roll it on!” says Daich. “This product covers and hides hairline cracks and minor flaws in existing surfaces. It completely resurfaces the existing floor or concrete surface with a flexible, water-tight and easy-to-clean finish.”

Made with real stone, a gallon of Terrazzo covers up to 60 square feet of surface space. Two coats are recommended (a few hours apart) for a beautiful granite finish.
Adding a No-Slip Sealer
“Terrazzo is naturally slip resistant,” says Daich. “However, for the highest slip resistance possible, we recommend applying TracSafe® Anti-Slip Sealer. With anti-slip ratings up to twice the OSHA standard, TracSafe provides aggressive anti-slip performance with all-weather durability.”
TracSafe Anti-Slip Sealer is applied by rolling down two coats of the product a few hours apart using a 3/8” paint roller. Light foot traffic can be resumed in four to six hours (or when fully dry), with normal foot traffic allowed the following day after a 24-hour cure period.

TracSafe’s anti-slip coating technology lays down a uniform foot traction surface that exhibits effective slip resistance properties in both wet and dry conditions, with bare feet and various common pedestrian and work footwear.
TracSafe is a low VOC pre-mixed formula that features fast dry-time and easy water clean-up. Once applied, TracSafe provides all-season exterior durability and reliable long-term slip-resistance indoors and out.
Terrazzo and TracSafe, along with other Daich Coatings primers and decorative concrete products, are available online at Lowe’s® or at


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