New Space for Outdoor Living

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New Space for Outdoor Living

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Our unique pergola systems transform and expand your outdoor living space. The main point of difference between the bioclimatic pergola and traditional pergolas on the market is the adjustable aluminum louvers.
The durable louvers rotate through 160 degrees to regulate sunlight fluctuations for comfortable ventilation, temperature control and brightness. When closed, they fit perfectly together to form a dedicated gutter system protecting you and your guests from the rain. You can control the system with the simple touch of a remote to enjoy worry free outdoor entertaining, even in inclement weather. Plus, special rain sensors will automatically close the louvers so that you can have peace of mind that your outdoor space will stay nice and dry when you are away from home.
The newest addition is the Arlequin. This one-of-a-kind pergola features colorful sliding panels that move effortlessly to play with light and shade creating a magical outdoor experience every time. Customize your outdoor experience even further with lights, heaters, automated blinds, bug screens, and more for a unique ambience that is all your own. The designs are clean, timeless and adaptable to each individual space and they are virtually maintenance free.
Restaurants, wedding venues, golf clubs and more can expand their space for outdoor dining or parties while keeping guests comfortable.  Boost their business by increasing seating capacity through the seasons—rain or shine and provide a worthwhile return on investment.
4 Key Functions in 1 product:
Protection from rain and sun
Temperature Control
More info at


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