New PA WWTP Chooses Penetron for MIC Protection”

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New PA WWTP Chooses Penetron for MIC Protection”

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Commissioning of the new wastewater treatment plant in West Cocalico Township, Pennsylvania, was completed in September 2023, providing much-needed treatment capacity for the growing community. PENETRON ADMIX SB, a crystalline waterproofing admixture, and Penetron’s antimicrobial concrete admixture provided permanent protection for the facility’s new concrete structures from the corrosive environment of the effluent and microbially induced corrosion.

West Cocalico is a township of about 7,500 located in Southeastern Pennsylvania, about 70 miles northwest of Philadelphia. Originally settled around 1727, the historic Reinholds area of the township was a firearms foundry during the American Revolution.

Originally constructed in 1987, the wastewater treatment plant in West Cocalico Township was nearing the end of its service life by 2020. No new connections had been allowed since the early 1990s because the facility was running at full capacity. This bottleneck limited the growth of local businesses as well as residential development. When it became clear that expanding the capacity of the existing plant was not possible; completion of a new replacement facility became urgent before the old plant failed.

“Due to the presence of thiobacillus bacteria in sewage environments, Entech Engineering, the project engineers, required durable protection and a waterproofing solution to slow the concrete aging process and prevent microbially induced corrosion in the concrete structures of the new wastewater treatment plant,” points out Richard Farmer, Eastern Region Sales Manager for Penetron USA. “We suggested a combination of Penetron’s crystalline waterproofing and antimicrobial concrete admixtures as a solution to the problem.”

Microbial induced corrosion (MIC) can cause rapid deterioration of concrete structures exposed to the corrosive sewer environment, potentially exposing the embedded steel reinforcement to corrosion and, as a result, structural failure. Penetron’s antimicrobial admixture prevents MIC through an electro-physical mechanism that ruptures the cell-walls of acid-producing bacteria (thiobacillus bacteria). Eliminating the bacterial growth on and in concrete consistently prevents damage caused by MIC.

Dutchland, the pre-cast concrete producer, added Penetron’s crystalline waterproofing (PENETRON ADMIX SB) and anti-microbial admixtures to ensure the necessary protection for the precast concrete screen vault and pump station structures.

“The antimicrobial admixture is permanent; it becomes part of the concrete matrix and is leach resistant. Repeated contact with bacteria does not lessen the effectiveness of the admixture,” adds Richard Farmer. “And the enhanced durability of the concrete due to PENETRON ADMIX SB minimizes the need for future repairs of the treated concrete structures.”

The new plant now doubles the previously available treatment throughput; future capacity for the township’s ongoing population growth and business development is assured. New residential connections resumed in September 2023.

The Penetron Group is a leading manufacturer of specialty construction products for concrete waterproofing, concrete repairs, and floor preparation systems. The Group operates through a global network, offering support to the design and construction community through its regional offices, representatives, and distribution channels.

For more information on Penetron waterproofing solutions, please visit penetron(dot)com or Facebook(dot)com/ThePenetronGroup, email CRDept(at)penetron(dot)com or contact the Corporate Relations Department at 631-941-9700.



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