New Gear Keeper Tool Tether Reduces Arm Strain

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New Gear Keeper Tool Tether Reduces Arm Strain

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Hammerhead Industries, manufacturer of Gear Keeper industrial tool tethering systems, has announced their new TL1-3044 ANSI-Compliant ¾ inch Super Coil tool tethers for heavy tools and instruments. The TL1-3044 Personal Tool Tethers are strong, impact absorbing tethers. Their Nylon Webbing Construction, with integrated elastic, provides the shortest retraction length to minimize entanglement and low force extension to reduce fatigue during use. The ½” Super Coil is a flexible, low profile coil system that provides up to an 8-foot working area for tools like power drills, nail guns, power drivers and other similar tools and instruments.

The tether’s coil system is fully enclosed in durable and ergonomically sound soft nylon with woven elastic webbing. Unlike competitive “stiff bungee-type” elastic cables, Gear Keeper integrates their elastic into the tethers by weaving it into the webbing. This provides a host of benefits including a longer useful life, a more gentle recoil and extension to avoid arm fatigue and also serves to reduce “drop-shock” while minimizing the chances of bounce back when the tether is used with lighter items.

The new Fixed Loop ¾ inch Super Coil tether, is just one of a new Gear Keeper family of ANSI-Compliant tethering products. The tether is rated for use as an anchored attachment to a fixed structure for tools up to 15-lbs. Easily attached to a fixed structural object by its aluminum, self-closing and locking double action locking carabiner with captive eye, anchoring the tether in this manner transfers the shock load produced by a dropped tool from the worker to the structure. The tether can also be used as a personal tool tether (attached to a person), but only for tools up to 5-6-lbs are safely permitted for this usage.

The “fixed loop” tool attachment feature of the tether also permits tethering of tools that have no other attachment point. For example, when a larger loop is required to go around a large handle like a chain saw, the worker would just slip knot the “fixed loop” over the handle. It can be also used for looping to an anchor point or to a person and using the carabiner to attach the tools. In use, the tether’s short retracted (resting) length helps avoid entanglement when climbing or working in close quarters.

Following the ANSI guidelines, the new Gear Keeper models are high visibility orange in color and feature a ANSI tag that shows the weight of the tools that are appropriate for the tether. All Gear Keeper products have a printed label with model number, serial number and date of manufacture. The serial numbers allow the company to accurately track the product while the manufacturing date also allows the user to know when the product was manufactured if they track the product service life by period of use. The Gear Keeper TL1-3044 has a MSRP of $28. Discounts on higher volumes may be available. Contact the company.

To find a dealer near you or for more information about any Gear Keeper product, contact Customer Service, Hammerhead Industries Inc, 5720 Nicolle Street, Ventura, CA 93003 or call (888) 588-9981. You may also visit

About Hammerhead Industries

John Salentine is the co-founder and Vice President of Hammerhead Industries. Gear Keeper tool tethering systems are products of Hammerhead Industries, Inc, the world’s leading manufacturer of unique personal safety tethering equipment including retractable tethers and lanyards for tools, gear and instruments. Covered by numerous patents, Gear Keeper tethers are precision made systems that keep tools and instruments safe, secure and close at hand. With more than 3,000 configuration options and millions of systems in use, Gear Keeper tethers are found worldwide in a range of applications including industrial safety, construction, fire/rescue, law enforcement, military, wind power generation, trucking, oil and gas exploration, outdoors/hunting, SCUBA/fishing, communications and more. All of the company’s products are built in the USA.

About ANSI & ISEA: 

ANSI is a century-old, private, not-for-profit organization that promotes “voluntary consensus standards.” The purpose of ANSI and the standards they and ISEA put forth is to set a level of quality and safety across an entire industry. The new standard is the first of its kind to address equipment used to tether and/or contain hand tools, components, and other objects from falling from at-heights applications.


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