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Credit One Bank, one of the largest and fastest growing credit card issuers in the United States, reached a construction milestone when 22 wall panels were tilted-up at the new headquarters campus in Las Vegas.  
This will be the only four-story office building in Las Vegas with tilt walls, a construction process where concrete panels are constructed on the ground and then raised up. The panels were constructed around the building, lifted by a 330-ton crawler crane, and tilted-up in place.  
Credit One Bank headquarters tilt walls by the numbers:  

  • The panels and walls are 65 feet tall, and the elevation at the top of the building is approximately 90 feet above the 215 freeway.
  • The largest panels weigh 250,000 pounds each.
  • In excess of 1200 cubic yards of concrete was used in the construction of the tilt wall panels.
  • In excess of 500,000 lbs. of reinforcing steel was used in the construction of the tilt wall panels.
  • All 22 panels were installed over the course of two days.
  • Fifty crew and staff members were used to install the tilt walls.

he 152,000-square-foot building sits on 26 acres just south of I-215 between Durango Drive and Buffalo Drive, seven miles west of Credit One Bank’s existing location. Scheduled to be operational by the end of 2017, the new campus can accommodate 1,000 employees, including up to 400 new technical, analytical, and marketing positions to support Credit One Bank’s growing credit card business over the next few years. Credit One Bank offers a range of credit card products and is among the top 10 largest Visa credit card issuers in the United States. 
About Credit One Bank
Credit One Bank, N.A. is a U.S. based national bank that specializes in credit cards. Credit One Bank is one of the largest and fastest growing issuers of credit cards in the industry and provides a broad spectrum of credit card products. Credit One Bank offers card members cash back rewards, credit education tools, and free online access to their credit score each month. For more information, please visit


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The 2024 virtual Men’s Round Table will be held Q4, 2024, date TBD.

2024 Virtual Men’s Round Tables

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Women of the Vine & Spirits Foundation awards 33 scholarships

With a philosophy that education is a cornerstone of career advancement, the Women of the Vine & Spirits Foundation has awarded $863,545 in scholarships since its inception in 2017. Providing scholarships to support educational and professional development, the non-profit continues to propel its mission of cultivating and

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