NCCER: Innovative Construction Superintendent Certification

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NCCER: Innovative Construction Superintendent Certification

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This week, the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) released its new Construction Superintendent Certification Program, a cutting-edge online addition to the organization’s Project Leadership Series. Developed with support from 75 of the construction industry’s leading companies, this formal certification program provides contractors with practical resources to train and qualify their field leaders in critical areas of business and leadership.

The program was created to provide a viable method for contractors to develop and certify construction superintendents without requiring extensive time away from their projects. Recent labor trends show an increasing demand for field leaders and a shrinking pool of qualified candidates. With 81% of firms reporting difficulty hiring for these roles, it is crucial that companies have a practical method for developing field leadership skills within their current and future teams.

NCCER’s self-paced, online program features highly relevant insights from experienced superintendents and seasoned industry experts. It is designed to shorten the learning curve for aspiring superintendents and to equip more experienced professionals with new strategies for better results. By accelerating competency development in key field leadership roles, the program can help organizations reduce project risk and increase project profitability.

“Superintendents are the steward of every person and every factor on a project – from safety and profitability to the quality of the final project the owner receives,” says NCCER President and CEO Boyd Worsham. “Our Construction Superintendent Certification Program serves to develop and certify current and aspiring superintendents to effectively fulfill these critical responsibilities.”

Sixteen engaging courses provide practical and usable real-world lessons on key topics such as scheduling, contracts, risk management, legal regulations, site logistics, and many more. The program is flexible and can be conducted in-person, through hybrid delivery or completely online.

Superintendents with four or more years of experience can earn NCCER’s Construction Superintendent Certification by successfully passing the certification assessment. Aspiring or recently promoted superintendents who successfully complete the training and assessment components of the program can earn their full certification upon accomplishment and verification of the four-year experience requirement.

Find out more about NCCER’s Construction Superintendent Certification Program here.

About NCCER — The National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) education foundation created by the construction industry to develop standardized curriculum and assessments with portable credentials and certifications for skilled craft professionals. NCCER provides a comprehensive workforce development system that includes accreditation, training, assessment, certification and career development solutions for the construction and maintenance industries. For more information, visit or contact NCCER customer service at 888.622.3720.


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