Matrix Series panels by MORIN

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Matrix Series panels by MORIN

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Morin 031014

Copyright: Tzu Chen Photography
“The Matrix series panels offer architects the ability to create strong features,” says Brad Neal, CSI, Regional Sales Manager for MORIN. “With the four profiles, it provides designers the opportunity to produce a variety of patterns and shadow lines, both vertically and horizontally.
“The profiles ribs are more bold than other wall panels that have been on the market for some time. There are projects which have creatively featured the same panels in different colors, lengths, perforations and directions. I have seen projects where by using two or three or all four variations of the Matrix series a basket-weave appearance was created on a wall. It’s real popular now to perforate it and create colorful outdoor stairwell walls and window screens. It’s a very attractive and versatile product.”
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