Materials To Use Constructing Weather Proof Building

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Materials To Use Constructing Weather Proof Building

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Every building should always have suitable construction materials to achieve efficiency and durability. Inexperienced contractors before would encounter issues using the wrong construction material to cause the entire construction to go underwater. That should never happen because the client’s budget will become affected.
Weatherproof materials are one of the most necessary construction materials because the building gets exposed to harsh weather elements. However, a few contractors would forget about its importance because they would rely on other materials. If you’re involved in a construction project, you have to learn about the different weatherproofing building materials.

  1. Polyurethane

The first weatherproof construction material you should learn is polyurethane. It is the most effective material whenever buildings want to achieve quality waterproofing. Every commercial building will always have polyurethane in certain areas exposed to frequent rain or moisture.
What is excellent about polyurethane is that it can increase a concrete’s waterproofing properties by filling its capillary cracks. You should know that water penetrating the concrete’s inside can cause it to deteriorate and lose its integrity over time.
However, the only downside with polyurethane is that it’s a dangerous construction material, and no person without protective gear should go near it. Even touching it for a while can cause health complications that may require them to visit the hospital. Only professional contractors and workers can handle it because of their experience managing the material.

  1. Cementitious Coating

Another construction material used for weatherproofing is cementitious coating. The material consists of organic and inorganic chemicals, sand, and several silica-based substances. When contractors mix the active ingredients with lime, it creates a hydration reaction that creates a tight waterproof seal. Most contractors also prefer cementitious coating because of its ease of use.
Construction workers can quickly mix the cementitious coating within a few minutes, helping them finish the construction work as promptly as possible. The only disadvantage you can find about the cement coating is that it lacks flexibility. Meaning, you cannot bend, compress, flex, or stretch it as much.

  1. EPDM (Ethylene propylene Diene Monomer) Rubber

Besides using cement as a viable weatherproofing material, you can also choose the EPDM rubber. It’s an artificial material that contractors can use in many applications. Most of the time, contractors would use the EPDM rubber to seal the building’s roof. It is also the most flexible material that contractors can use in other areas, such as windows, doors, floors, and everywhere else that needs effective waterproofing.

  1. Rubberized Asphalt Concrete

Most commercial buildings have rooftops that most maintenance personnel access whenever they need maintenance, such as the water tanks, generators, etc. Note that applying concrete on the roof is not enough, so building owners would tell their contractors to add a coat of RAC, also known as rubberized asphalt concrete. It is the best weatherproofing material because it can withstand heavy rain, or extreme heat, or cold.
Final Thoughts
When you weatherproof your building, you should expect many benefits to come your way at a moment’s notice. There is nothing more significant than having an effective commercial structure that can withstand any harsh weather. And if you have building components installed on exterior areas of the building, you should utilize an exterior access door and panel to protect them from the harsh weather.


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