Marketing Strategies to Scale Your Construction Business Effectively

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Marketing Strategies to Scale Your Construction Business Effectively

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If you just launched your construction business, you should know that you need to take the initiative with marketing, too. As you are moving in a highly competitive market, you can not only rely on word of mouth and try to get referrals. Now, there is nothing wrong with word-of-mouth and building business with it to some extent – but you cannot expect to scale your business with such steps alone. 

The key is to break the cycle of just hoping that one project will lead to another. 

The following marketing strategies will help you scale your construction business. 

Organic vs. Paid Marketing

There are two approaches to marketing. There is organic marketing, and then there is paid marketing. If you start using paid traffic, maybe that is running ads online. You might want to think of it in terms of running ads in newspapers. However, here is the thing: every time you put in a dollar for ads, there is no sure way that you will see results. 

As a matter of fact, you will have to put a lot of effort into figuring out how to get the dollars back that you will be investing in paid marketing. The key is to really understand how to put ads in the right spots to make the ads profitable.

Why is Organic Marketing Better?

Compared to paid marketing, organic marketing can help you render great results. Organic marketing will actually enable you to build a brand and grow your construction business the right way. Organic marketing will enable you to form deeper relationships with your construction clients where they will feel that they know you, like you, and trust you. The underlying reason is that your clients will be consuming your content, which is why you should be making content that relates to your target audience. 

Organic Marketing is A Long-Term Approach 

Ultimately, going the organic way is going to build you a more sustainable long-term approach because it is not just these quick hits of these ads that people don’t really know who you are. But – if you want to build a long-term construction brand, then people are going to know your name, which is why you need to bring your name to the marketplace. Subsequently, people will be talking about you, and they will see your construction business online.

You will also be participating in networking events where people will tell you that they have read your content and seen you online and that they know your brand. This aspect perfectly indicates that you need to establish a great social presence so that your audience will trust you. The more people trust you, the higher the chances you will have a steady flow of projects at all times. 

Define Your Avatar

Before you make any marketing efforts, you must define your avatar. For instance, if your avatar is a real estate developer, then you must know what they are looking for. They are definitely looking for projects that are on time. They also want projects that are on budget. They want a general contractor who is well-familiar with zoning and development. They are looking for a contractor who understands how to build the kind of project that they want. 

So, if you can define your avatar, you can essentially start positioning yourself with organic marketing and making your website content about the different types of development projects that you are doing and the type of content that showcases your abilities, and that is going to make a lot more sense, and that is going to be a lot more comfortable – even if you reach out to them. 

Publish High-Quality Content on Your Business Website

The next step is to ensure that your website is aligned with the exact things that you want to do in the future. For instance, if you are trying to get into hospitals, then you must ensure that your website is full of that type of content, which is hospitals. Likewise, if you are trying to get into custom home building, you must ensure that your website reflects that and is full of custom homes. 

Speaking of website content, make sure to leverage your content in a way that makes you establish yourself as the authority figure within your respective niche. Publishing shareable content will not only help your business website rank higher in search engines but also ensure that you get high-quality backlinks to your site. 

If you want to save time and effort, you can also buy guest post backlinks from a reputable link-building agency. The team of professionals will do all of the work of researching sites and reaching out to bloggers to help you secure high-quality links back to your site. 

Make A Google My Business Profile 

You need to have a Google My Business listing with great reviews, photos, and posts that you can post on your Google listing reflecting your past projects. Encourage your past clients to leave reviews so that people can get to know you personally. All these things are going to start to come together because marketing is a complete package and not just one thing that you do to build a brand and promote your construction business. 

On that note, it is incredibly important for you to ask for five-star Google reviews at the end of every successful project. Also, your website should conform exactly to what your Google My Business says. Include client testimonial videos of all your past clients saying that you built them a great building. What this will do for your business is spread the word about your construction business the right way, and your ideal customers will like you and trust you – even before they call you. 

Final Thoughts

Make sure to establish a strong social media presence as well because after your target audience has assessed your website and your Google Business profile, they will want to connect with you on social media as well. At this point, your ideal customers are already 80% sold, so you need to do what you have to do to take them to the next step and close the deal.


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