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Maniscalo 033015
Maniscalco, the Australian-rooted manufacturer and marketer of high-quality glass, stone and metal decorative tiles, is bringing much more than its comprehensive, beautiful ranges of world-class decorative tile material to North America. The firm is also bringing its inimitable, highly upbeat Australian way of doing business. And quite frankly, it seems to be working beautifully.
“Our Owner, Rob Maniscalco and I are just a couple of “fair dinkum” blokes that work hard every day,” stated Kieron Wiley, the firm’s Director of Business Development, now based in Dallas. “We know we have a corker of a tile collection that our mates here in the states are stoked to work with. So, why not work hard and play hard with our customers, taking care of them just like we do in Oz?”
For the most part, it’s true that Australia has become more and more appealing to people in the states. Aussies have become huge in the cinema, on television and on sports fields. Once most Americans learn about the Australian lifestyle, they almost instantly embrace it. This appeal can be easily gauged:

  • To leftist Americans, Australia has universal healthcare and is far “greener” than the USA.
  • To rugged independent types, there’s the Outback offering limitless miles of freedom from being bugged by anybody.
  • To American cowboys, there are Australian cowboys (Jackeroos).
  • To nature lovers, there are the monster Australian rain forests and the Outback teeming with all sorts of weird creatures.
  • To lovers of “those who stand by America’s side,” Australia has always been a steadfast ally.
  • To beach lovers, Australia may have the greatest ones in the world.
  • To urban lovers, there are fantastic cosmopolitan cities like Sydney and Melbourne.
  • To Australian accent lovers, there is the inimitable Australian accent with its strange lexicon.

“Aussies like people and treat others with the greatest of respect,” continued Wiley. “However, we know that here in America, especially in the business environment, if we want to be liked and respected, we must produce for our clientele. That’s our intention.
“So, step one, we ask that those in the tile industry check out our latest catalog via the Internet at Or, drop us a line and we’ll send them a hardcopy. We guarantee our current catalog is the only piece of sales literature in the tile biz with a mob of kangaroos on the front cover, and just wait until you get a gander of the new one which is in production and coming soon!” Wiley declared.
For a firsthand encounter with “fair dinkum” stone, glass and metal mosaics, come to Maniscalco’s exhibit # 1038 during Coverings 2015 in Orlando, Florida, April 14-17. For all show attendees, it’s destined to be a “grouse” experience!
About Maniscalco: Maniscalco is a manufacturer/distributor of fine stone, glass, and metal decorative tiles, offering the latest fashions and excellent quality at competitive prices. Maniscalco’s domestic inventory, one of the best in the industry, has a 98% fill rate. Regarding customer service, Maniscalco continues to be “THE industry leader” according to its client base. The firm’s North Dallas, TX facility services dealers and distributors in all 50 states as well as Canada. Offering a variety of marketing tools and an easy-to-use website with multiple search functions, visit Maniscalco at: or contact Maniscalco directly for more details at


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