Landscaping Ideas Budget-Conscious Clients Will Love

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Landscaping Ideas Budget-Conscious Clients Will Love

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One of the first questions you’re used to answering when you get a call from a prospective client is probably “How much is this going to cost me?”
Many clients are budget-conscious, and who could blame them? That’s why so many landscaping services offer such competitive, affordable pricing. Customers want bang for their buck, especially when it comes to jobs they don’t particularly want to do on their own.
But many clients don’t consider the long-term costs of their choices. That’s why providing some eco-friendly, resource-light options for their landscaping can add value to your services long after you’ve pulled out of their driveway.
Eco-friendly landscaping is a great way to save your client some money. These ideas don’t take a lot of time or effort to implement. And by gaining their trust and providing these options, they’re sure to come back to you next time their yard needs some TLC.

Plant Trees, Save on Cooling Costs

We all know that trees can provide some much-needed shade in a backyard or lawn that gets a lot of sun exposure throughout the day. What you (and your clients) probably don’t know is that planting trees strategically around their home can actually cut their cooling costs tremendously.
By planting trees on the South and West sides of your client’s home, you can break the sun coverage up or block it completely. During hot months, this method can actually reduce their attic temperature by as much as 40 degrees!
Reducing the temperature of their home during the Summer can help your clients cut back on their use of air conditioning. This will be particularly beneficial if they use window units for the bulk of their cooling, as they’re often less energy-efficient and can rack up an alarming electric bill during the peak of Summer.

Offer Alternatives to Grass

Depending on your client’s tastes, they might be open to exploring lawn ideas outside of traditional plants like grass. They may even want to forgo grass altogether!
How does this save them money? As you know, grass can be a demanding little plant. Especially if your client typically uses a hose to water their lawn, they’re likely wasting water that’s all being accounted for in their utility bill.
Invite them to explore other options, like mulch, sand, or rocks. Not only are these ideas stylish and more modern than grass, but they require no water to maintain, saving your client money.

Use Climate-Appropriate Plants

Filling a yard with exotic plants may seem like a great idea to your clients – until they realize how much water they’re using!
While exotic, uncommon plants look exciting in a backyard environment, caring for a plant that’s not meant for your climate can exhaust resources pretty rapidly. Your client may love how they look, but end up funneling much more water to these plants than they anticipated!
Discuss climate-friendly plants with your client and see if they can achieve the look they want with the plants that are best suited to their environment. They’ll thank you once they see the savings in their water bills.

All Budgets Deserve A Healthy Lawn

Regardless of your client’s budget, your top priority is always making sure they’re happy with their landscaping.
Considering their resource usage is one thoughtful and considerate way to make sure your client gets the look they want at a price they can afford.
Be sure to visit Hippo for more budget-friendly, eco-conscious ideas to save your clients money.


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