Knock Knock Refrigerators – What Are They?

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Knock Knock Refrigerators – What Are They?

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When you hear the words “knock, knock,” your initial thought may not be a refrigerator, but that may change soon. With many new technological developments and advances come innovations in the kitchen appliances world. What can we expect from the future, and how can kitchens become futuristic? LG offers the answer to your questions.

You may have heard about Knock Knock refrigerators, but you don’t know what the hype is all about. Today, we will present the new, innovative, modern design of fridges that may take over the world soon. After reading about these refrigerators, the answer to the knocking may be, “It’s LG InstaView.”

Let’s see what LG offers with their new refrigerator systems and whether it can impact our future.

What is a Knock Knock refrigerator?

In 2016, LG announced the release of a refrigerator with an innovative and futuristic concept. This fridge allows you to see the inside without having to open it.

Many of us open the fridge several times a day to see what we have inside, but now, you won’t have to do that. You only need to knock on a Knock Knock fridge, and a picture of the interior will appear on the fridge’s screen.

Another striking feature of the LG InstaView refrigerators is that you don’t have to be at home to control them. You can download an app to your phone and access your fridge from anywhere. You only need to connect your fridge to your Wi-Fi network (sounds crazy, right?) and see what you have inside it.

This fridge is way ahead of its time. Although we have practically gotten used to all the new features of different devices and appliances, this one might be the most striking. Not only will you have an elegant-looking kitchen appliance, but you will also have a practical and entertaining fridge.

Innovative features of Knock Knock refrigerators

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You may think there’s nothing special about looking in your fridge without opening it or controlling it from your phone. However, the surprises don’t stop there. These refrigerators offer many innovative features, and we will present some of them below.

Less air loss

Whenever you open your fridge, some cold air gets out, causing your fridge to require more power. Ultimately, you will have to pay a higher electricity bill if you keep opening your fridge multiple times a day because it will need more energy to keep things cool.

However, since you can easily see what you have inside your fridge just by knocking on its glass panel, you won’t have to open it as often. That implies that you will save electricity and become more eco-friendly.

Fresh for longer

When you put your food in the fridge, you expect the appliance to keep it fresh for as long as possible. If you keep opening and closing the doors of your fridge, you may shorten the shelf life of your foods because they will constantly be exposed to both room and cool temperatures.

If you opt for this fridge, your food will be at the same temperature almost all the time, thus making it stay fresh longer.

Utility box

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Not all foods in your fridge need to be at the same temperature. Some foods, such as cheese or other milk products, need lower temperatures to keep their freshness. That is why LG has created utility boxes.

You can sort out the foods that require storage in lower temperatures here and not worry about items spoiling due to exposure to unsuitable temperatures.

Wine rack

The creators of the Knock Knock fridge have thought about everything. They even created a whole compartment dedicated to wine lovers who want to enjoy the best wine temperature.

You can store your wine bottles on this rack in your fridge and always have a fresh, cool bottle of wine you can pop open after a long day.

Hygiene Fresh+

Have you ever dealt with that odor in your fridge that wouldn’t go away? That can signify some bacteria are in your fridge, causing it to have an unpleasant smell.

Luckily, with the latest technology by LG, Hygiene Fresh+, your Knock Knock fridge will automatically sanitize and kill 99% of bacteria that enter your appliance. You won’t have to worry about nasty smells or bacteria ever again with the help of this feature.

Craft ice

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Many people around the world enjoy putting ice in their drinks. There is nothing more disappointing than opening your freezer only to find that there isn’t a single ice cube left.

Knock Knock fridges constantly make ice you can easily access from outside the appliance. You can even choose which type of ice you want: crushed or cubed.


In a world where we cannot live without smart devices and appliances, the Knock Knock refrigerator has become a significant technological advancement. Aside from being able to look into your fridge without opening it, this fridge offers many more features we have mentioned above. If you want to be one step ahead with intelligent appliances and be eco-friendly in the kitchen, say “knock knock,” and you will open the doors to modern living solutions.

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