Kirei Launches Sound Baffling Partition Systems

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Kirei Launches Sound Baffling Partition Systems

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Kerei EchoPanel 041016 (640x477)
Further expanding their versatile EchoPanel acoustic product line, Kirei, San Diego-based producer of modern, sustainable design elements, announces the launch of the Wrap, Platoon and Paling acoustical partition solutions.
With today’s trend of open collaborative work and educational spaces, a room’s use and sound profile change daily. The modular and reconfigurable Wrap, Paling and Platoon partition solutions are a kit-of-parts system, so they can change too. Using mix-and-match segments and a set of standard connectors, the freestanding Wrap, Platoon and Paling components can be combined to create nearly infinite design possibilities, flexible and sound absorbing to convert any multi-use or noisy area into a creative, productive space.
Mix-and-Match Acoustic Control
Comprised of EchoPanel acoustic panels, the 1” thick modular segments retain up to 65 percent of ambient noise, smoothing the sound in any space, reducing distractions and adding functionality to high-traffic, loud areas.
Utilizing standard ABS plastic connectors to join the panels, the Wrap, Platoon and Paling acoustic dividers instantly transform spaces with easy assembly, limitless reconfiguration and flat storage. The new pivot hinge connectors, standard on the Platoon, fold 360 degrees for a variety of standing arrangements and similarly allow flat storage when the system is not in use.
The Wrap, Paling and Platoon elements are available in four colors, and all corresponding connectors are available in two colors, cream and charcoal. Wrap and Paling parts are ordered as needed per a particular project or space, while the Platoon partition system comes pre-packaged as a set (but can have additional panels ordered for inclusion as space demands change).
A Sustainable Story
All of Kirei’s EchoPanel products and variations began as recycled plastic bottles. Manufactured in Australia, they are comprised of 60-percent recycled plastics, eco-friendly dyes, and no added adhesives, resulting in a GreenTag™-certified product ideal for transforming both new construction and retrofits into healthy, acoustically sound spaces.
For more information, please visit the newly redesigned
About Kirei
KIREI provides edgy, elegant, functional design with a healthy helping of sustainability. The company is dedicated to providing the innovative elements design professionals need to create healthy, environmentally friendly spaces for life, work and play. Kirei’s products (Kirei Board, Bamboo, EchoPanel and Coco Tiles) are decorative, functional design materials manufactured from renewable or reclaimed raw materials and can aid projects in achieving LEED and other green building certifications. Since its establishment in 2003, the company’s materials have been used in commercial offices, restaurants, hotels, schools, health care facilities and residences around the world.


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