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In 2023, Karndean Designflooring celebrates 50 years in business with continued product innovation and style creation as a leader in the luxury vinyl tile market. At the 2023 Surfaces show the company aims to showcase decades of industry leadership and market trends through a booth designed to celebrate five decades of success.

“It is very fitting that we kickoff our 50 year anniversary at Surfaces,” said CEO of Karndean Designflooring USA Bill Anderson. “This show represents the premiere space for new business and this year’s booth is the best of Kardean and who we are as industry leaders.”

The company will highlight historically strong floor styles with a collection of best-sellers from the past, present, and future of Karndean. New introductions to the Karndean Designflooring Opus, Knight Tile, and Van Gogh ranges capture new zoning patterns, colorways, and chevron patterns.

This year, and in years to come, the company plans to have a fundamental focus on leading the way to a more responsible way of living, setting out a strategy that will ensure they do their best for people and planet. This strategy brings together their core values and looking after our planet while still producing beautiful, high quality, durable floors. Together, their products, their customers and their communities are what will propel them through the next 50 years and beyond.

Attendees will get an interactive view of the Karndean brand and family through the years. We invite you to become part of the family and take a walk on lasting flooring designs from the past, present, and future.

For more information, visit www.karndean.com/newproducts.


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Mark Odom Studio revitalizes two-story Austin office building

Austin award-winning architecture and interiors firm, Mark Odom Studio, renovated a two-story, 10,000 square foot office building with innovative solutions to adaptively reuse a 54 year-old commercial building, offering more accessibility without taking away the leasable square footage. The original structure has been completely reimagined

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