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The architects of London’s remodeled West Croydon Bus Station were looking for a way to give the busy transport station a brighter and more aesthetically appealing look when it began its remodeling project two years ago.  
The introduction of Kalwall translucent sandwich panels for the station’s canopy helped achieve that goal. And, in the process, earned the project one of England’s highest honors in architectural design. 
Transport for London (TfL)’s in-house design team was recently presented a 2017 RIBA Regional Award by the Royal Institute of British Architects and TfL architect Martin Eriksson won a 2017 RIBA London Project Architect of the Year Award.  
RIBA Awards aim to “celebrate the best architecture in the UK and around the world.” London has over 12,000 RIBA members and 1,000 chartered practices. Regional winners are eligible for the RIBA National Award for architectural excellence. 
In jury comments, the station is described as a “charming and creative building.” Kalwall panels not only provided an aesthetic beauty, but their lightweight properties factored into the design of the building. The ability to eliminate shadows, hotspots and glare made Kalwall preferable to traditional glazing. Additionally, the translucent panels create an ethereal glow at night, making it a beacon for travelers.  
The ability to reduce maintenance expenditures also made Kalwall a great choice. Soil and detritus are less obvious on Kalwall panels than on glass, and cleaning is much simpler because access scaffolding is not required and maintenance staff can safely walk across its surface. 
About Kalwall
Kalwall® is the industry leader for diffuse natural lighting systems and is recognized for its innovative, energy efficient and sustainable designs. Its rugged and beautiful translucent building products provide a more predictable, better quality of usable natural light, with superior thermal properties and best-in-industry solar heat gain control. Kalwall was founded in 1955, is headquartered in Manchester, N.H., and all products are made in the USA. For more information, visit www.kalwall.com.


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Sanzari Completes Multi-Million-Dollar Glenpointe Marriott Project

Alfred Sanzari Enterprises, a preeminent family-owned and operated commercial and residential real estate firm, announces the completion of a capital improvement project at the Glenpointe Marriott, a 351-room full-service hotel located on the company’s Glenpointe corporate campus in Teaneck, N.J. The capital improvement project transformed the hotel’s 39,317-square-foot

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