Introducing FlexStoneUSA

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Introducing FlexStoneUSA

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FlexStone 083116
FlexStoneUSA, Incorporated is bringing a sustainable and innovative surfacingmaterial from India to the United States. This product is an ultra thin layer of natural stone supported by polyester resin and carbon fiber. Weighing in at only 0.25lbs/square foot with a thickness of 1-3mm, this material boasts the porosity and durability of its natural source rock without the unwieldiness of bulky traditional stone tile.
Plus, it’s more affordable than thicker stone tile. Available from the factory in sizes of 4’x2’ or 8’x4’, Flexstone is also thin enough that it can easily be cut to suit any project. With the capacity to curve around surfaces, Flexstone has tremendous potential in commercial and residential applications, indoors or outdoors.
FlexStoneUSA is proud to offer this versatile and practical material at better prices than most American distributors. Our exclusive relationship with the manufacturer was nurtured over the course of a year, during which we worked side by side in India to perfect the production method and promote it worldwide. After great success in the European, Asian, and South American markets, we decided to come home and reinforce our relationship with the manufacturer by popularizing this beautiful product in the United States.
The material is sourced from slate, sandstone, and quartzite blocks, and it is available in over twenty-five colors with three different backing options. Standard Flexstone has a backing of carbon fiber and polyester resin, which gives it pliability. Nanostone, on the other hand, has greater pliability due to a cotton fabric backing. FlexLight has a translucent resin backing, so that an impressive pattern is displayed on the stone surface when lit from behind.
Visit our retail website for more information regarding these impressive products at


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