Integration of New Tech Encouraging Uptake of Radiant Cooling Globally

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Integration of New Tech Encouraging Uptake of Radiant Cooling Globally

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Improved indoor comfort, energy efficiency, and sustainability in building environments depend on radiant cooling systems. Through the effective transfer of radiant heat, they lower operating costs along with energy consumption in spaces they cool. Additionally, these systems are excellent at controlling humidity, which helps to avoid mold growth and maintain a healthy interior environment.

Since they provide several significant benefits that solve typical problems with conventional HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems, radiant cooling systems are essential in minimizing various HVAC concerns. These systems are highly effective at controlling humidity. By reducing the amount of moisture in the air, radiant cooling helps avoid problems such as mold growth and discomfort brought on by high indoor humidity. Radiant cooling systems enhance indoor air quality and comfort for residents by preserving ideal humidity levels.

It is imperative to upgrade radiant cooling systems to keep up with changing energy efficiency regulations and technological developments. These improvements improve user comfort, lower energy usage, and improve system efficiency. They facilitate integration with present-day intelligent building technologies, which boosts automation and control. Building owners may guarantee that their systems will be efficient and sustainable over time by implementing these innovations, which can also improve energy usage, save operating costs, and lessen environmental impact.

Integration of Smart Technology in Radiant Cooling Systems

Artificial Intelligence (AI), along with the Internet of Things (IoT), is being used more and more in radiant cooling systems to improve user experience, performance, and efficiency. The intelligent management of temperature and humidity within these radiant cooling systems is one notable application for AI and IoT.

The system’s intelligent sensors keep track of user preferences, occupancy, and environmental conditions. To ensure ideal temperature and humidity levels, artificial intelligence (AI) systems evaluate this real-time data and make predictive modifications. In addition to enhancing comfort, this dynamic control dramatically lowers energy use, which results in significant cost savings.

Leading global corporations such as Johnson Controls, as well as Siemens are pioneering the integration of IoT and artificial intelligence into radiant cooling systems. For example, Siemens provides the Siemens Desigo CC building management system, which maximizes energy efficiency by predicting and optimizing heating and cooling demand using artificial intelligence. The system uses Internet of Things (IoT) sensors to gather data, allowing for real-time control and monitoring.

Another example is Metasys from Johnson Controls, which offers sophisticated HVAC management solutions with AI capabilities. It collects information on building characteristics and occupant behavior using Internet of Things (IoT) devices, enabling innovative modifications and increased user comfort.

Furthermore, AI and IoT play an essential role in the predictive maintenance of these systems. By using these technologies, businesses may identify possible problems and inefficiencies instantly, which lowers maintenance expenses and downtime. Global companies are advancing radiant cooling systems by integrating AI and IoT, making them more user-friendly, economical, and sustainable.

Hybrid System to Gain Traction

Developing hybrid HVAC systems, which fuse underfloor heating or forced air systems with radiant cooling, is a significant trend in the global market. These hybrid strategies minimize installation and operating costs while optimizing comfort and energy efficiency.

The growing integration of heat recovery technology and renewable energy sources is a noteworthy development in hybrid radiator systems. These systems are being coupled with geothermal heat pumps, waste heat recovery units, and solar panels to increase energy efficiency and lessen their impact on the environment. In certain situations, solar panels can also directly aid in the cooling or heating of radiant surfaces in addition to supplying electricity for system operation.

Geothermal heat pumps use Earth’s constant temperature to increase hybrid system efficiency. Waste heat recovery is a technique that enhances total energy utilization by capturing and repurposing heat produced by industrial processes or data centers. The increasing focus on sustainability and lowering carbon footprints across building design and operation is consistent with this trend.

Radiant Cooling System- An Integral Part of Green Buildings

An exemplary example of radiant cooling systems within buildings is the new campus of the International School of Kuala Lumpur. With the help of Uponor Asia, a key company dealing with such systems globally, the campus now has radiant cooling (about 11000 m²). Situated atop 26 acres of natural green settings, the school overlooks the heavily populated city. Passive solar design, expected to consume 60% less energy than ordinary schools in a similar environment, was used in the campus’s design.

To discharge cooling loads at night, the campus’s cooled areas were embedded with Contec PEX-a pipes set into the ceilings and floors of concrete to thermally fire slabs. The system runs silently and at a temperature similar to the surrounding air. Unmatched design freedom is possible since the Uponor radiant cooling system is installed discreetly, maintaining architectural integrity. The school aims to achieve a platinum rating on the Green Building Index with this excellent green design.

The Contec system from Uponor fits perfectly with the school’s overall design. The following factors led builders to conclude that the Contec system offered the most incredible climate control option:

● A high degree of thermal comfort for the occupants: A silent operation was possible due to the thermally activated building system, or TABS. Students can learn in a healthy atmosphere as a result of uniform radiation.

● Utilization of renewable energy: TABS operates effortlessly when powered by wind, solar, earth, or seawater. Large surface emitters from TABS are inexpensive and provide abundant free cooling.

● Minimal initial outlay and maximum energy efficiency: With little maintenance, the heat exchangers, as well as TABS, have a life expectancy of more than 50 years.

● No limitations on design: Every product from Uponor has a low profile that makes it simple to incorporate into the concrete frame of the building’s structure. This is because of the system design. Therefore, unlike ductwork in all-air systems, no space is required.

The efficiency and reduced carbon impact of these systems are making them extremely popular in various building types.

Challenges to the Radiant Cooling Systems Landscape

It can be challenging to regulate air quality and thermal comfort, and in many cases, doing so requires reducing external influences. Degradation in air quality and pollution have been significant problems in several South Asian countries, including Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and Nepal. Asia has severe concerns over indoor air quality, regardless of the causes. Traditional HVAC is not the solution.

Systems for radiant cooling have shown to be the answer to many problems. For example, the recirculation of contaminated indoor air could be avoided by combining a radiant system with a dedicated outdoor air system (DOAS). The air temperature is the sole thing that conventional systems can monitor and control. As a result of the ineffective humidity control, temperatures become too cold or too warm.

On the other hand, sensible heat energy transfer is controlled by the radiant system. Due to this, people feel more thermally comfortable in spaces heated or cooled by radiant systems.


An effective way to beat the summertime heat without going over the energy budget is using radiant cooling. The benefit of this cooling method is that it uses less energy and leaves a smaller carbon footprint without sacrificing comfort. To prevent certain drawbacks like condensation, one must have an adequate ventilation system and undertake a somewhat tricky installation.

Manufacturers of radiant cooling systems are putting more and more effort into expanding their product lines and investigating modular, adaptable design options to achieve scalability. They are creating flexible systems that are simple to incorporate into many kinds of buildings and sizes, encouraging wider use.

Additionally, to maximize system efficiency, simplify installation, and cut expenses, these manufacturers are placing a high priority on research and development. As part of their scaling plan, they are embracing digital technology for predictive maintenance as well as remote monitoring, which will guarantee system performance over the long run and reduce downtime. Radiant cooling manufacturers want to increase market share and promote widespread use by improving versatility, cost, and reliability.


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