Importance of Soil Boring in Construction

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Importance of Soil Boring in Construction

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Construction projects start at your desktop. The idea conceived by owners is transformed into designs and layouts by the architects. Once the basic design is finalized, the project has to shift from your desktop to the construction site. 

The first team that moves to the construction site is the boring team. They are here to perform the basic task known as soil boring. It is also called geotechnical boring and this process is called geotechnical engineering.

What does soil boring mean?

It is a process that includes drilling and collection of samples from the construction site.  The scientists then examine these samples to determine the soil type and its composition regarding both physical and chemical properties.

The purpose of soil boring is to collect soil samples. But don’t confuse it with “earth sampling.” These are two different things. Earth sampling involves the collection of soil samples just from the upper surface of the land, where you plan to carry out some construction. On the contrary, soil boring involves taking earth samples below the surface level, as deep as 70 meters or more. 

Drilling Techniques

Drilling a hole in the earth, commonly known as soil boring, is quite an interesting process. Boring is done with a rig. Soil samples are collected from different depths of the hole. These samples are of two types, undisturbed and disturbed. Both are important. Both have their specific utility when it comes to soil analysis.

Experts use different techniques of soil boring. Depending on the scope of soil sampling, one or a combination of different techniques can be used. Some popular techniques are Auger Drilling, Wash Boring, Percussion Drilling, Auger Boring, and Rotary Drilling.

Rotary drilling is best for collecting deep earth samples. It can be used on almost every type of soil. The minimum depth of the hole must be more than 70 meters for good results with this technique. Wash boring is also a good technique but not suitable for rocky sites. The best technique on rock-filled sites is percussion boring. The disadvantage of percussion boring is that you cannot get undisturbed soil samples.

Drilling Schedule

The drilling process may take a minimum of 15 to 20 days. However, it may stretch to more than two months in some cases. For best results, you need to dig at least two holes at different locations on the construction site. Sometimes, you have to dig multiple holes. This helps experts collect maximum data on the physical composition and texture of the soil.  The drilling schedule largely depends on the number of bores you need.

Why boring is important in construction?

Construction managers must have complete knowledge of the earth composition of the proposed site. The basic tool in their hands is the data compiled by scientists based on soil analysis. This may include how deep is the water stream, the depth of bedrock, the chemical composition of the soil, potential risks such as texture, and many more. This helps them decide on several important matters, like the foundation and structure of the building. –

The success of any construction project depends on an in-depth analysis of soil testing reports. If you don’t have comprehensive knowledge about the soil composition of a proposed construction site, you will never be able to decide on the structural design and foundation of the building. What types and quantities of various materials are required for the foundation?  What will be the time required to complete the building structure? These are all dependent on scientific and analytical reports.

The safety and strength of the proposed building mainly depend on these crucial reports

Utility of Soil Boring

Soil boring reports are helpful in so many constructions that may include dams, canals, culverts, bridges, roads, railroads, and airports. It is also used in gas and oil pipelines. It is also a necessary part of the survey of proposed sites to see if there’s any potential risk of soil contamination. Boring Americans, a well-reputed American boring company, provides various services such as horizontal directional drilling for laying pipelines and conduits for different purposes. You can also hire the services of a directional boring contractor.

Soil Boring and its application on the ground

  • It will help construction engineers to ascertain whether this site is suitable for the type of construction being planned.
  • It helps to determine the depth and number of pillars required to be inserted in the ground for foundation stability and safety.
  • It determines various properties of the soil, such as sand content, compaction, and density of the soil, which directly impacts the selection of appropriate material to be used for best results.
  • Soil testing is a vital parameter to mitigate the risks and complications involved in laying the foundation of the building that ultimately ensures the safety and strength of the building.
  • The underground water level is one of the most important factors in the success of a construction project. It not only has an impact on the laying of the foundation but, at the same time equally important for the whole building’s stability. As such, soil testing report helps construction engineers tackle this vital issue to give more strength and reliability to their project.
  • The chemical composition of the soil is yet another risk-bearing factor in construction. Soil testing report suggests how much risk is involved in this particular site. Engineers can then select the construction materials accordingly to eliminate the risk of any possible chemical reactions.
  • Soil testing is essential when it comes to the reactivity of the land. As a natural process, lands are always likely to expand or contract. Soil testing reports can help scientists and engineers to determine how this particular site will react to such natural activities.  This is particularly important for the stability and strength of multi-story buildings.


Soil testing reports based on in-depth analysis of soil samples brought from the construction site from different locations help project managers to strategize their planning. These will serve as the basic parameters, may it be a selection of construction materials or methods and techniques of construction.

The safety and strength of your project are directly related to the prudent implementation of soil survey reports. These are the virtual foundation of the project. The more reliable and authenticated the survey report, the more reliable your project is.

You must not compromise on the quality and authenticity of soil survey reports. Hire the services of well-reputed organizations for this purpose.

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