IMETCO® opens CA facility that triples production

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IMETCO® opens CA facility that triples production

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IMETCO California Fac 082416 (640x427)
IMETCO (Innovative Metals Company, Inc.) recently opened a new 46,900 square-foot manufacturing facility in Sacramento, California, more than tripling the current manufacturing space at their former Albuquerque, New Mexico location and offering an expanded footprint for future growth. The new location will have a significantly broader manufacturing portfolio to better serve IMETCO’s West Coast customers.
“Making the move to Sacramento puts IMETCO closer to its West Coast customers, which helps to reduce product lead time and shipping costs. Overall, the move will allow us to better serve our customers,” said Joe Mellott, Vice President and General Manager at IMETCO.
The McClellan Air Force Base revitalization project is part of a $580 million investment to transform the now closed base into a business park.
IMETCO is a leading manufacturer of premier metal products for the building envelope, delivering performance-inspired systems tailored to every project. IMETCO offers a full range of high-performance metal roofing, metal wall, and metal edge systems and accessories that provide a virtually limitless realm of aesthetic possibilities. Additionally, IMETCO provides high-quality custom metal solutions for designers whose visions extend beyond our standard product offering. IMETCO is also the exclusive supplier of United Zinc®, the only architectural zinc manufactured domestically. With specialty manufacturing capabilities, including curving, tapering, perforating and field forming, IMETCO continually distinguishes itself as a leader in the metal construction industry. Driven by a collective desire to provide exceptional service at every opportunity, IMETCO pledges to communicate, promise and deliver innovative solutions, dedicated support, professional engineering services, and products manufactured to the highest quality standards. IMETCO is headquartered in Norcross, Georgia.
For more information, visit or call 800.646.3826.


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