I don’t want to change!!!

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I don’t want to change!!!

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A new high efficiency concrete has been developed.  Patent #10,494,300 was issued in Dec. 2019.  It generates much more strength, much less heat and no thermal cracking. In addition, it doesn’t burn the skin.
This is simply made possible by creating a reaction environment to enable more balanced reactions. The utilization of a new patent’s advanced chemistry and chemical processing techniques makes this possible. This low cost, approach is expected to ruffle some feathers in the construction industry.  Below is a simulated response and commentary from an industry veteran.

Voice of industry veteran Voice of inventor of CoolCure
I like things the way they are No one likes change
Seems too good to be true Many new technologies seem like magic or impossible at first
I don’t care, why should I change? To evolve, we need to continually improve
our techniques, efficiencies and profitability
We make plenty of money now As technologies advance, increased efficiencies
generate more profits along with more income for all
I’m happy with a 6 sack 4200 PSI product By using the new technology you can get 7,000 PSI
with a 6 sack mix.  This creates the potential for using
less portland, with this you would enable lower cost of pours.
Utilizing higher efficiency of reactions just make good
business sense.
I’m used to concrete burning me, I’m just Through utilization of the new technology, concern about skin burns
careful in handling is a thing of the past – CoolCure does not cause chemical burns
We don’t get much thermal cracking now, why should I change? With the new technology, you’ll get no thermal cracking or
curl as it doesn’t get hot.  A lot of money is spent on cooling
in mass pours…no longer required.  CoolCure is green.
No one wants green concrete Green means lower cost, smaller carbon footprint, better for the
environment – everyone should want it.
I can use slag or fly ash to reduce heat. Not always, many pours are scrapped & re-poured due to high heat.
Isn’t there a shortage now? As they’re not always available?
Epoxy works OK, I like filling the Well, it’s inefficient, time consuming and creates a fault line
I’m used to stepping on cannon balls CoolCure has no cannon balls as it fully wets-out the portland cement
via lower surface tension as a result of advanced chemistry processing.
No lumps or undissolved solids are the result.
I’m used to waiting for bleeding No waiting, no bleeding.  All of the formulated water is consumed
to make more CSH bonds. That’s why CoolCure is stronger.
Bleeding is no big deal. Well, actually it creates micropores that lets it salt & water.
In freeze thaw climates, this results in porosity that creates spallation.
This ultimately creates holes in concrete.
Now we use cooled aggregate and ice Why carry that expense?  Why not use new technology and be green?
to control heat
Ice, chillers, fly ash or slag usually works Not always, many pours have been, and continue to be replaced
Why not use something that always works?
What’s the downside? It’s slower to cure, in mass pours 3 days
WE can’t wait that long. Why not?  Do you want fast or good?
With the new technology and the higher CSH conversion you get
 a lower pH and no unwetted portland cement.  These two factors
 result in much less potential for delayed ASR reaction
What’s the delayed ASR reaction? We’ll address that next article
WE still can’t wait that long You do now in mass pours.  We typically wait 2 to 4 weeks or more to remove forms in big jobs
As a contractor, we don’t care about I imagine that your customers, the building owner or the
delayed ASR, or term of service-life. municipality cares.  Maybe the industry needs a change in
We just want to move quick and get on to paradigms?
the next job.
What the hell is a paradigm? It’s a mindset, a way you look at things.  Maybe faster isn’t better?
Maybe, we could change our perspective and focus more on quality?
After all, the dinosaurs didn’t adapt and they’re all gone now.

Author and Inventor: David M. Brassard
Silicone Solutions, New Technology Solutions and CoolCure
338 Remington Rd.
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44224
ph# 330-920-3125 ext 202
cell 330-697-3146


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